So, I capture/stream in windowed mode for the obvious reason that I don't want everything happening on the screen to be shown. I have noticed popups are not captured which bothered me a lot at the time because I do a lot in popups. (color selection, brush selection, levels, balance, curves...). I thought it was normal since those are subwindows and we can't do squat about it. But then I noticed the popup palette shows on record! Dang! That's THE popup I don't use XD To reproduce, capture in windowed mode in OBS and pop popups up
That's because the popup palette isn't actually a windowed popup, but a nested widget on the canvas.
can't we do the same for the others ?
No, that's not possible, because otherwise you wouldn't be able to drag dialogs out of the windows.
Ok but how about the color and brush preset pop ups ? Those are really cool to have in a timelapse without having a docker eating space all the time.
This is not a bug in Krita, Popups are needed on many more workflows. You could fix this on krita using dockers and setup canvas only mode to fit your needs, or work with multiple workspaces (it may be possible to switch using a hotkey and a custom Python script) OR Capture both the screen and the window in OBS and use a hotkey to swap between canvas scene and desktop scene.
I pick colors dozens of times per minute, switching workspace or scene is not gonna make it. And I want to stay away from dockers. To me having some popups show on record and some not is functionally a bug. As a user, I don't need to know how this is implemented to feel weird about it.
Could you be more specifyc on what are you refering as popups? This is because your report at first seemed to suggest I see what you mean with the popup-Palette showing on capture, and other on-canvas popups don't: My paint shade selector (Shit-M), Minil shade selector (Shift-N) and Show color selector (Shift-I). those three come to mind and act as a on canvas pop-ups, the same as the palette in which they do not need nor they cant be moved outside canvas.. However they do not show. brush presets and brush options are not popups in the same way and cannot be made to be shown, but I may be missing some on-canvas popup. so could you be more specifyc on the names of the popups you are not seeing on windowed capture? If they have a handle to move them around canvas they probably are handled as subwindows and not as popups. Thanks
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You have listed everything I had in mind. The one I was missing the most is the color selector (shift + i). Now if they can't all be shown I'll just have to resign to capture the whole screen. I guess this is what apterus(yagrum on krita-artists) does all we can even see his curve adjustments etc... I think I need to have a dedicated screen or that's gonna be tough.
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Ivan, since you last discussed this and it seems the discussion came to a conclusion, can you work on this?
Just as a note to myself, currently the color selectors popups are created either as a window type or a popup type, this makes it impossible for obs to be captured. As for macOS popup type is needed when krita is in full screen mode. I guess for this tools we should create them as a nested widget as the popup palette. However for other windowed tools and dialogs this wont be possible.
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