Bug 444803 - Krita crashes (Segmentation Fault)
Summary: Krita crashes (Segmentation Fault)
Alias: None
Product: krita
Classification: Applications
Component: * Unknown (show other bugs)
Version: 4.4.8
Platform: Arch Linux Linux
: NOR crash
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Krita Bugs
Depends on:
Reported: 2021-11-02 02:41 UTC by DrewM100
Modified: 2021-11-05 09:42 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Latest Commit:
Version Fixed In:
Sentry Crash Report:


Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description DrewM100 2021-11-02 02:41:15 UTC
Krita crashes when starting up. Could be a possible Qt error or a Krita error?

1. Open a terminal (Konsole in this case)
2. Run Krita via Terminal

So I ran an update on my machine (running EndeavourOS, which is Arch-based) and now the art program Krita crashes everytime it boots up. I couldn't figure out the solution to this one myself. Here is the error message I got running Krita through the terminal:

[drew@DrewPC ~]$ krita
Set style "breeze"
Icon theme "elementary" not found.
Invalid profile : "/usr/share/color/icc/colord/Crayons.icc" "Crayon Colors"
Invalid profile : "/usr/share/color/icc/colord/x11-colors.icc" "X11 Colors"
Loading plugin "/usr/lib/kritaplugins/kritaseexprgenerator.so" failed, "Cannot load library /usr/lib/kritaplugins
/kritaseexprgenerator.so: (libKSeExprUI.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)"
qt.gui.icc: fromIccProfile: Invalid ICC profile - invalid white-point
QPngHandler: Failed to parse ICC profile
qt.gui.icc: fromIccProfile: Invalid ICC profile - invalid white-point
QPngHandler: Failed to parse ICC profile
qt.gui.icc: fromIccProfile: Invalid ICC profile - invalid white-point
QPngHandler: Failed to parse ICC profile
qt.gui.icc: fromIccProfile: Invalid ICC profile - invalid white-point
QPngHandler: Failed to parse ICC profile
qt.gui.icc: fromIccProfile: Invalid ICC profile - invalid white-point
QPngHandler: Failed to parse ICC profile
qt.gui.icc: fromIccProfile: Invalid ICC profile - invalid white-point
QPngHandler: Failed to parse ICC profile
QObject::startTimer: Timers cannot have negative intervals
/usr/lib/krita-python-libs/krita added to PYTHONPATH
QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to QWidget "", which already has a layout
qt.gui.icc: fromIccProfile: Invalid ICC profile - invalid white-point
libpng error: bad adaptive filter value
QImage::scaled: Image is a null image
QImage::scaled: Image is a null image
19 -- exe=/usr/bin/krita
13 -- platform=xcb
11 -- display=:0
14 -- appname=krita
17 -- apppath=/usr/bin
10 -- signal=11
10 -- pid=11076
12 -- startupid=0
KCrash: crashing... crashRecursionCounter = 2
KCrash: Application Name = krita path = /usr/bin pid = 11076
KCrash: Arguments: /usr/bin/krita
KCrash: Attempting to start /usr/lib/drkonqi
Icon theme "elementary" not found.
[1]+ Stopped krita
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 13 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 14 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 17 and type 'Read', disabling...
Unable to start Dr. Konqi
Re-raising signal for core dump handling.
[1]+ Segmentation fault (core dumped) krita

Linux/KDE Plasma: EndeavourOS (Kernel: 5.14-14-arch1-1 (64-bit))
KDE Plasma Version: 5.23.2
KDE Frameworks Version: 5.87.0
Qt Version: 5.15.2
Comment 1 Halla Rempt 2021-11-02 08:45:10 UTC
It's most likely an Arch build issue. I also see

Loading plugin "/usr/lib/kritaplugins/kritaseexprgenerator.so" failed, "Cannot load library /usr/lib/kritaplugins
/kritaseexprgenerator.so: (libKSeExprUI.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)"

which also points at a build issue. Which means it's not a bug in Krita.
Comment 2 DrewM100 2021-11-03 04:28:31 UTC
(In reply to Halla Rempt from comment #1)
> It's most likely an Arch build issue. I also see
> Loading plugin "/usr/lib/kritaplugins/kritaseexprgenerator.so" failed,
> "Cannot load library /usr/lib/kritaplugins
> /kritaseexprgenerator.so: (libKSeExprUI.so.4: cannot open shared object
> file: No such file or directory)"
> which also points at a build issue. Which means it's not a bug in Krita.

I actually ran it as an Appimage and found it still crashed and still have a segmentation fault, this isn't a viable workaround.

[drew@DrewPC ~]$ ./krita-4.4.8-x86_64.appimage
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "object_order_raise"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "object_align_horizontal_right"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "object_ungroup"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "object_order_back"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "object_order_front"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "object_align_vertical_center"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "object_group"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "object_align_horizontal_left"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "object_align_vertical_top"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "object_align_horizontal_center"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "object_order_lower"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "object_align_vertical_bottom"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "object_distribute_horizontal_left"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "object_distribute_horizontal_center"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "object_distribute_horizontal_right"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "object_distribute_horizontal_gaps"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "object_distribute_vertical_top"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "object_distribute_vertical_center"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "object_distribute_vertical_bottom"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "object_distribute_vertical_gaps"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "object_transform_rotate_90_cw"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "object_transform_rotate_90_ccw"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "object_transform_rotate_180"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "object_transform_mirror_horizontally"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "object_transform_mirror_vertically"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "object_transform_reset"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "object_unite"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "object_intersect"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "object_subtract"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "object_split"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "calligraphy_increase_width"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "calligraphy_increase_angle"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "calligraphy_decrease_width"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "calligraphy_decrease_angle"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "KisAssistantTool"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "KisToolCrop"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "KisToolPath"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "KisToolPencil"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "KisToolPolygon"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "KisToolPolyline"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "KisToolSelectContiguous"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "KisToolSelectElliptical"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "KisToolSelectMagnetic"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "KisToolSelectOutline"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "KisToolSelectPath"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "KisToolSelectPolygonal"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "KisToolSelectRectangular"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "KisToolSelectSimilar"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "KisToolTransform"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "movetool-move-up"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "movetool-move-down"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "movetool-show-coordinates"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "movetool-move-left"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "movetool-move-right"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "movetool-move-up-more"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "movetool-move-down-more"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "movetool-move-left-more"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "movetool-move-right-more"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "convert-to-path"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "pathpoint-remove"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "path-break-segment"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "pathsegment-line"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "path-break-point"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "pathpoint-line"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "pathpoint-symmetric"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "pathpoint-curve"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "pathsegment-curve"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "pathpoint-insert"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "pathpoint-corner"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "pathpoint-merge"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "pathpoint-join"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "pathpoint-smooth"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "SvgTextTool"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "svg_format_textcolor"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "svg_background_color"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "svg_font_size"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "svg_font"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "svg_insert_special_character"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "svg_align_right"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "svg_align_left"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "svg_align_justified"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "svg_align_center"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "svg_decrease_font_size"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "svg_increase_font_size"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "svg_format_subscript"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "svg_format_superscript"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "svg_format_underline"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "svg_format_strike_through"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "svg_weight_bold"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "svg_format_italic"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "svg_weight_normal"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "svg_weight_demi"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "svg_weight_black"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "svg_weight_light"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "svg_line_height"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "svg_settings"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "svg_pick_color"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "svg_font_kerning"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "open_resources_directory"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "edit_blacklist_cleanup"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "windows_cascade"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "windows_tile"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "create_bundle"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "mainToolBar"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "show_color_selector"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "show_mypaint_shade_selector"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "show_minimal_shade_selector"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "show_color_history"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "show_common_colors"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "show_tool_options"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "show_brush_editor"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "show_brush_presets"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "tablet_debugger"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "buginfo"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "sysinfo"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "rename_composition"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "update_composition"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "ruler_pixel_multiple2"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "invert_selection"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "create_snapshot"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "switchto_snapshot"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "remove_snapshot"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "make_brush_color_lighter"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "make_brush_color_darker"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "make_brush_color_saturated"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "make_brush_color_desaturated"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "shift_brush_color_clockwise"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "shift_brush_color_counter_clockwise"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "make_brush_color_redder"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "make_brush_color_greener"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "make_brush_color_bluer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "make_brush_color_yellower"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "increase_opacity"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "decrease_opacity"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "erase_action"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "reload_preset_action"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "preserve_alpha"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "disable_pressure"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "hmirror_action"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "vmirror_action"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "mirrorX-hideDecorations"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "mirrorY-hideDecorations"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "mirrorX-lock"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "mirrorY-lock"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "mirrorX-moveToCenter"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "mirrorY-moveToCenter"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "toggle-selection-overlay-mode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "next_favorite_preset"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "previous_favorite_preset"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "previous_preset"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "BrushesAndStuff"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "reset_fg_bg"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "toggle_fg_bg"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "selection_tool_mode_add"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "selection_tool_mode_subtract"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "selection_tool_mode_intersect"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "selection_tool_mode_replace"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "set_weighted_brush_smoothing"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "set_no_brush_smoothing"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "set_stabilizer_brush_smoothing"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "decrease_brush_size"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "set_simple_brush_smoothing"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "increase_brush_size"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "toggle_assistant"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "undo_polygon_selection"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "fill_selection_foreground_color_opacity"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "fill_selection_background_color_opacity"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "fill_selection_pattern_opacity"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "convert_selection_to_shape"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "show-global-selection-mask"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "krita_filter_colortoalpha"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "krita_filter_top edge detections"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "krita_filter_indexcolors"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "krita_filter_emboss horizontal only"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "krita_filter_dodge"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "krita_filter_sharpen"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "krita_filter_burn"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "krita_filter_mean removal"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "krita_filter_gaussian blur"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "krita_filter_emboss all directions"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "krita_filter_smalltiles"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "krita_filter_levels"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "krita_filter_sobel"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "krita_filter_wave"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "krita_filter_motion blur"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "krita_filter_invert"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "krita_filter_perchannel"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "krita_filter_pixelize"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "krita_filter_emboss laplascian"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "krita_filter_left edge detections"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "krita_filter_blur"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "krita_filter_raindrops"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "krita_filter_bottom edge detections"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "krita_filter_noise"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "krita_filter_brightnesscontrast"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "krita_filter_colorbalance"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "krita_filter_phongbumpmap"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "krita_filter_desaturate"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "krita_filter_colortransfer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "krita_filter_emboss vertical only"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "krita_filter_lens blur"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "krita_filter_minimize"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "krita_filter_maximize"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "krita_filter_oilpaint"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "krita_filter_right edge detections"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "krita_filter_autocontrast"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "krita_filter_roundcorners"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "krita_filter_unsharp"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "krita_filter_emboss"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "krita_filter_emboss horizontal and vertical"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "krita_filter_randompick"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "krita_filter_gaussiannoisereducer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "krita_filter_posterize"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "krita_filter_waveletnoisereducer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "krita_filter_hsvadjustment"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "KritaShape/KisToolDyna"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "KritaShape/KisToolRectangle"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "KritaShape/KisToolMultiBrush"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "KritaShape/KisToolLazyBrush"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "KritaShape/KisToolSmartPatch"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "PanTool"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "InteractionTool"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "KritaSelected/KisToolColorPicker"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "KritaFill/KisToolFill"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "KritaShape/KisToolLine"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "KritaShape/KisToolEllipse"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "KritaShape/KisToolBrush"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "KritaFill/KisToolGradient"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "KritaShape/KisToolMeasure"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "KritaTransform/KisToolMove"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "KarbonCalligraphyTool"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "PathTool"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "ZoomTool"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "ToolReferenceImages"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "Next Blending Mode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "Previous Blending Mode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "Select Normal Blending Mode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "Select Dissolve Blending Mode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "Select Behind Blending Mode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "Select Clear Blending Mode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "Select Darken Blending Mode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "Select Multiply Blending Mode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "Select Color Burn Blending Mode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "Select Linear Burn Blending Mode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "Select Lighten Blending Mode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "Select Screen Blending Mode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "Select Color Dodge Blending Mode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "Select Linear Dodge Blending Mode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "Select Overlay Blending Mode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "Select Hard Overlay Blending Mode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "Select Soft Light Blending Mode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "Select Hard Light Blending Mode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "Select Vivid Light Blending Mode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "Select Linear Light Blending Mode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "Select Pin Light Blending Mode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "Select Hard Mix Blending Mode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "Select Difference Blending Mode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "Select Exclusion Blending Mode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "Select Hue Blending Mode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "Select Saturation Blending Mode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "Select Color Blending Mode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "Select Luminosity Blending Mode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "previous_frame"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "next_frame"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "toggle_playback"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "add_blank_frame"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "add_duplicate_frame"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "toggle_onion_skin"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "previous_keyframe"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "next_keyframe"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "first_frame"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "last_frame"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "lazy_frame"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "drop_frames"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "show_in_timeline"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "insert_keyframe_left"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "insert_keyframe_right"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "insert_multiple_keyframes"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "remove_frames_and_pull"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "remove_frames"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "insert_column_left"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "insert_column_right"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "insert_multiple_columns"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "remove_columns_and_pull"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "remove_columns"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "insert_hold_frame"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "insert_multiple_hold_frames"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "remove_hold_frame"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "remove_multiple_hold_frames"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "insert_hold_column"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "insert_multiple_hold_columns"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "remove_hold_column"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "remove_multiple_hold_columns"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "insert_opacity_keyframe"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "remove_opacity_keyframe"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "mirror_frames"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "mirror_columns"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "copy_frames_to_clipboard"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "cut_frames_to_clipboard"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "paste_frames_from_clipboard"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "copy_columns_to_clipboard"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "cut_columns_to_clipboard"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "paste_columns_from_clipboard"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "set_start_time"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "set_end_time"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "update_playback_range"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "activateNextLayer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "activateNextSiblingLayer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "activatePreviousLayer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "activatePreviousSiblingLayer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "switchToPreviouslyActiveNode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "add_new_group_layer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "add_new_clone_layer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "add_new_shape_layer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "add_new_adjustment_layer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "add_new_fill_layer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "add_new_file_layer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "add_new_transparency_mask"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "add_new_filter_mask"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "add_new_colorize_mask"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "add_new_transform_mask"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "add_new_selection_mask"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "isolate_active_layer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "toggle_layer_lock"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "toggle_layer_visibility"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "toggle_layer_alpha_lock"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "toggle_layer_inherit_alpha"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "add_new_paint_layer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "new_from_visible"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "duplicatelayer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "cut_selection_to_new_layer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "copy_selection_to_new_layer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "copy_layer_clipboard"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "cut_layer_clipboard"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "paste_layer_from_clipboard"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "create_quick_group"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "quick_ungroup"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "create_quick_clipping_group"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "select_all_layers"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "select_visible_layers"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "select_locked_layers"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "select_invisible_layers"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "select_unlocked_layers"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "save_node_as_image"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "save_vector_node_to_svg"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "save_groups_as_images"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "convert_group_to_animated"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "convert_to_animated"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "convert_to_file_layer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "import_layer_from_file"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "import_layer_as_paint_layer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "import_layer_as_transparency_mask"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "import_layer_as_filter_mask"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "import_layer_as_selection_mask"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "convert_to_paint_layer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "convert_to_transparency_mask"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "convert_to_filter_mask"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "convert_to_selection_mask"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "split_alpha_into_mask"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "split_alpha_write"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "split_alpha_save_merged"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "layersplit"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "waveletdecompose"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "mirrorNodeX"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "mirrorNodeY"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "rotatelayer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "rotateLayerCW90"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "rotateLayerCCW90"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "rotateLayer180"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "layersize"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "shearlayer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "mirrorAllNodesX"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "mirrorAllNodesY"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "rotateAllLayers"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "rotateAllLayersCW90"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "rotateAllLayersCCW90"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "rotateAllLayers180"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "scaleAllLayers"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "shearAllLayers"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "offsetlayer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "clones_array"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "EditLayerMetaData"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "histogram"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "layercolorspaceconversion"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "merge_layer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "flatten_layer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "rasterize_layer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "flatten_image"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "layer_style"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "LayerGroupSwitcher/previous"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "LayerGroupSwitcher/next"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "RenameCurrentLayer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "remove_layer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "move_layer_up"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "move_layer_down"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "layer_properties"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "set-copy-from"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "file_new"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "file_open"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "file_open_recent"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "file_save"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "file_save_as"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "file_sessions"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "file_import_file"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "file_export_file"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "file_import_animation"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "render_animation"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "render_animation_again"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "save_incremental_version"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "save_incremental_backup"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "create_template"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "create_copy"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "file_print"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "file_print_preview"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "file_documentinfo"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "file_close_all"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "file_close"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "file_quit"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "edit_undo"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "edit_redo"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "edit_cut"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "edit_copy"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "copy_sharp"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "cut_sharp"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "copy_merged"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "edit_paste"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "paste_at"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "paste_new"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "paste_shape_style"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "paste_as_reference"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "clear"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "fill_selection_foreground_color"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "fill_selection_background_color"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "fill_selection_pattern"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "stroke_shapes"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "stroke_selection"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "delete_keyframe"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "view_newwindow"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "windows_next"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "windows_previous"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "view_show_canvas_only"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "fullscreen"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "view_detached_canvas"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "wrap_around_mode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "level_of_detail_mode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "softProof"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "gamutCheck"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "mirror_canvas"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "zoom_to_100pct"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "view_zoom_in"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "view_zoom_out"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "rotate_canvas_right"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "rotate_canvas_left"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "reset_canvas_rotation"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "view_ruler"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "rulers_track_mouse"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "view_show_guides"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "view_lock_guides"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "view_snap_to_guides"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "showStatusBar"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "view_pixel_grid"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "view_grid"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "view_snap_to_grid"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "show_snap_options_popup"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "view_snap_orthogonal"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "view_snap_node"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "view_snap_extension"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "view_snap_to_pixel"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "view_snap_intersection"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "view_snap_bounding_box"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "view_snap_image_bounds"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "view_snap_image_center"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "view_toggle_painting_assistants"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "view_toggle_assistant_previews"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "view_toggle_reference_images"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "image_properties"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "image_color"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "imagecolorspaceconversion"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "trim_to_image"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "resizeimagetolayer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "resizeimagetoselection"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "rotateimage"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "rotateImageCW90"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "rotateImageCCW90"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "rotateImage180"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "shearimage"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "mirrorImageHorizontal"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "mirrorImageVertical"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "imagesize"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "offsetimage"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "canvassize"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "imagesplit"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "separate"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "select_all"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "deselect"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "reselect"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "convert_to_vector_selection"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "convert_to_raster_selection"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "edit_selection"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "convert_shapes_to_vector_selection"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "featherselection"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "toggle_display_selection"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "selectionscale"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "colorrange"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "selectopaque"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "selectopaque_add"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "selectopaque_subtract"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "selectopaque_intersect"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "growselection"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "shrinkselection"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "borderselection"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "smoothselection"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "filter_apply_again"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "filter_apply_reprompt"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "adjust_filters"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "artistic_filters"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "blur_filters"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "color_filters"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "edge_filters"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "enhance_filters"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "emboss_filters"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "map_filters"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "other_filters"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "QMic"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "QMicAgain"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "options_configure"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "manage_bundles"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "switch_application_language"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "view_toggledockers"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "options_configure_toolbars"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "settings_dockers_menu"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "theme_menu"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "settings_active_author"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "reset_configurations"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "options_configure_keybinding"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "window"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "help_contents"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "help_report_bug"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "help_about_app"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "help_about_kde"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "gradients"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "patterns"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "dual"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "paintops"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "composite_actions"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "brushslider1"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "brushslider2"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "brushslider3"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "brushslider4"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "mirror_actions"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "select_layout"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "workspaces"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "plugin_importer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "ten_brushes"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "activate_preset_1"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "activate_preset_2"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "activate_preset_3"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "activate_preset_4"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "activate_preset_5"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "activate_preset_6"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "activate_preset_7"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "activate_preset_8"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "activate_preset_9"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "activate_preset_0"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "execute_script_1"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "execute_script_2"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "execute_script_3"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "execute_script_4"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "execute_script_5"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "execute_script_6"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "execute_script_7"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "execute_script_8"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "execute_script_9"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "execute_script_10"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data:  "krita_filter_threshold"
QObject::startTimer: Timers cannot have negative intervals
Could not find platform independent libraries <prefix>
Could not find platform dependent libraries <exec_prefix>
Consider setting $PYTHONHOME to <prefix>[:<exec_prefix>]
/tmp/.mount_krita-0PiNEE/usr/lib/krita-python-libs/krita added to PYTHONPATH
QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to QWidget "", which already has a layout
libpng warning: Ignoring bad adaptive filter type
libpng warning: Ignoring bad adaptive filter type
libpng error: IDAT: CRC error
QImage::scaled: Image is a null image
QImage::scaled: Image is a null image
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Comment 3 Halla Rempt 2021-11-03 07:41:36 UTC
You should remove the distro version of krita before running an appimage.
Comment 4 DrewM100 2021-11-05 03:35:45 UTC
(In reply to Halla Rempt from comment #3)
> You should remove the distro version of krita before running an appimage.

How would I do that exactly?
Comment 5 DrewM100 2021-11-05 03:36:16 UTC
On another note, by running gdb I got more information about the bug:

[drew@DrewPC ~]$ gdb krita
GNU gdb (GDB) 11.1
Copyright (C) 2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
Type "show copying" and "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "x86_64-pc-linux-gnu".
Type "show configuration" for configuration details.
For bug reporting instructions, please see:
Find the GDB manual and other documentation resources online at:

For help, type "help".
Type "apropos word" to search for commands related to "word"...
Reading symbols from krita...
(No debugging symbols found in krita)
(gdb) r
Starting program: /usr/bin/krita 
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Using host libthread_db library "/usr/lib/libthread_db.so.1".
[New Thread 0x7fffee93c640 (LWP 2845)]
[New Thread 0x7fffe1d54640 (LWP 2846)]
[New Thread 0x7fffe1553640 (LWP 2847)]
[Thread 0x7fffe1553640 (LWP 2847) exited]
[Thread 0x7fffee93c640 (LWP 2845) exited]
[Thread 0x7fffe1d54640 (LWP 2846) exited]
[New Thread 0x7fffe1d54640 (LWP 2848)]
[New Thread 0x7fffee93c640 (LWP 2850)]
[New Thread 0x7fffe1553640 (LWP 2851)]
[Thread 0x7fffe1553640 (LWP 2851) exited]
[Thread 0x7fffe1d54640 (LWP 2848) exited]
[Thread 0x7fffee93c640 (LWP 2850) exited]
[New Thread 0x7fffee93c640 (LWP 2852)]
[New Thread 0x7fffe1d54640 (LWP 2853)]
[New Thread 0x7fffe1553640 (LWP 2854)]
[Thread 0x7fffe1553640 (LWP 2854) exited]
[Thread 0x7fffee93c640 (LWP 2852) exited]
[Thread 0x7fffe1d54640 (LWP 2853) exited]
[New Thread 0x7fffe1d54640 (LWP 2855)]
[New Thread 0x7fffee93c640 (LWP 2856)]
[New Thread 0x7fffe1553640 (LWP 2857)]
[New Thread 0x7fffdafd1640 (LWP 2858)]
Set style "breeze"
[New Thread 0x7fffda34b640 (LWP 2859)]
[Thread 0x7fffda34b640 (LWP 2859) exited]
Icon theme "elementary" not found.
Invalid profile :  "/usr/share/color/icc/colord/Crayons.icc" "Crayon Colors"
Invalid profile :  "/usr/share/color/icc/colord/x11-colors.icc" "X11 Colors"
Loading plugin "/usr/lib/kritaplugins/kritaseexprgenerator.so" failed,  "Cannot load library /usr/lib/kritaplugins/kritaseexprgenerator.so: (libKSeExprUI.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)"
[New Thread 0x7fffda34b640 (LWP 2860)]
[New Thread 0x7fffce5e3640 (LWP 2861)]
[New Thread 0x7fffcdde2640 (LWP 2862)]
[New Thread 0x7fffcd5e1640 (LWP 2863)]
[New Thread 0x7fffccde0640 (LWP 2864)]
[New Thread 0x7fffbbfff640 (LWP 2865)]
[New Thread 0x7fffbb7fe640 (LWP 2866)]
[New Thread 0x7fffbaffd640 (LWP 2867)]
qt.gui.icc: fromIccProfile: Invalid ICC profile - invalid white-point
QPngHandler: Failed to parse ICC profile
qt.gui.icc: fromIccProfile: Invalid ICC profile - invalid white-point
QPngHandler: Failed to parse ICC profile
qt.gui.icc: fromIccProfile: Invalid ICC profile - invalid white-point
QPngHandler: Failed to parse ICC profile
qt.gui.icc: fromIccProfile: Invalid ICC profile - invalid white-point
QPngHandler: Failed to parse ICC profile
qt.gui.icc: fromIccProfile: Invalid ICC profile - invalid white-point
QPngHandler: Failed to parse ICC profile
qt.gui.icc: fromIccProfile: Invalid ICC profile - invalid white-point
QPngHandler: Failed to parse ICC profile
[New Thread 0x7fffba7fc640 (LWP 2869)]
QObject::startTimer: Timers cannot have negative intervals
[New Thread 0x7fffb9ffb640 (LWP 2873)]
[New Thread 0x7fffb97fa640 (LWP 2874)]
[Thread 0x7fffb9ffb640 (LWP 2873) exited]
/usr/lib/krita-python-libs/krita added to PYTHONPATH
QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to QWidget "", which already has a layout
[New Thread 0x7fffb9ffb640 (LWP 2876)]
[New Thread 0x7fffa2742640 (LWP 2877)]
qt.gui.icc: fromIccProfile: Invalid ICC profile - invalid white-point
libpng error: bad adaptive filter value
QImage::scaled: Image is a null image
QImage::scaled: Image is a null image

Thread 1 "krita" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00007ffff1ac2053 in QuaZip::isOpen() const () from /usr/lib/libquazip1-qt5.so.1.0.0
(gdb) bt full
#0  0x00007ffff1ac2053 in QuaZip::isOpen() const () from /usr/lib/libquazip1-qt5.so.1.0.0
No symbol table info available.
#1  0x00007ffff1acee6d in QuaZipFile::close() () from /usr/lib/libquazip1-qt5.so.1.0.0
No symbol table info available.
#2  0x00007ffff1acf0c9 in QuaZipFile::~QuaZipFile() () from /usr/lib/libquazip1-qt5.so.1.0.0
No symbol table info available.
#3  0x00007ffff1acf0da in QuaZipFile::~QuaZipFile() () from /usr/lib/libquazip1-qt5.so.1.0.0
No symbol table info available.
#4  0x00007ffff340f5b5 in ?? () from /usr/lib/libkritastore.so.20
No symbol table info available.
#5  0x00007ffff340f659 in ?? () from /usr/lib/libkritastore.so.20
No symbol table info available.
#6  0x00007ffff7007344 in KisFileIconCreator::createFileIcon(QString, QIcon&, double, QSize) () from /usr/lib/libkritaui.so.20
No symbol table info available.
#7  0x00007ffff6ec7b95 in KisWelcomePageWidget::populateRecentDocuments() () from /usr/lib/libkritaui.so.20
No symbol table info available.
#8  0x00007ffff6ec946f in KisWelcomePageWidget::slotUpdateThemeColors() () from /usr/lib/libkritaui.so.20
No symbol table info available.
#9  0x00007ffff6eca2c0 in KisWelcomePageWidget::setMainWindow(KisMainWindow*) () from /usr/lib/libkritaui.so.20
No symbol table info available.
#10 0x00007ffff70d2f36 in KisMainWindow::KisMainWindow(QUuid) () from /usr/lib/libkritaui.so.20
No symbol table info available.
#11 0x00007ffff70dea0c in KisPart::createMainWindow(QUuid) () from /usr/lib/libkritaui.so.20
No symbol table info available.
#12 0x00007ffff70df3ab in KisPart::startBlankSession() () from /usr/lib/libkritaui.so.20
No symbol table info available.
#13 0x00007ffff70966c1 in KisApplication::start(KisApplicationArguments const&) () from /usr/lib/libkritaui.so.20
No symbol table info available.
#14 0x0000555555e27173 in main ()
No symbol table info available.
Comment 6 Halla Rempt 2021-11-05 09:42:28 UTC
"How would I do that exactly?"

I don't know, I don't use Arch. That's something you, as the distribution user should know. Please don't reopen this bug report: this is a bug tracker, not a user support forum and this isn't a bug in Krita, but a problem with your system that you need to resolve.