Bug 444085 - Popup menus from menu bar show up in wrong place.
Summary: Popup menus from menu bar show up in wrong place.
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 413771
Alias: None
Product: kwayland
Classification: Frameworks and Libraries
Component: server (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: Compiled Sources Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Martin Flöser
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Reported: 2021-10-20 05:08 UTC by RobertB
Modified: 2024-06-15 18:28 UTC (History)
8 users (show)

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Screenshot with File menu shown much to the right of the screen. (139.29 KB, image/png)
2021-10-20 05:08 UTC, RobertB

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Description RobertB 2021-10-20 05:08:34 UTC
Created attachment 142651 [details]
Screenshot with File menu shown much to the right of the screen.

Menus are opening in different place as supposed (there are moved to the right).

1.Click on any menu bar entry.

The clicked menu entry shows up in the right part of the display. 

The clicked menu entry shows up direct beneth the entry (under the coursor). 

Fedora 34, GNOME

Two monitor syster. On other monitor the menus are shown more to the middle of the screen.
Comment 1 Laura David Hurka 2021-10-20 13:48:55 UTC
I doubt that this is a problem with Okular, its more likely related to KXmlGui.

Do you have other Qt or KDE applications with menu bars where the same problem occurs?

Can you describe your screen arrangement precisely? Maybe with screenshots from configuration tools?

Do you use X or Wayland?
Comment 2 RobertB 2021-10-20 14:06:57 UTC
(In reply to David Hurka from comment #1)

Thank you for fast response David.
Indeed, it hapens also with K3b. I have my laptop's build-in display running 2560x1440 (16:9, 200% scaling) and an external monitor connected through a USB-C hub with HDMI running on 1920x1080 px (16:9, 100% scaling). Those both are configured in GNOME settings with Join Display option and the external monitor set as Primary Display. I use Wayland.
Comment 3 Laura David Hurka 2021-10-20 14:55:21 UTC
Thanks, moving to KXmlGui.

One more thing: Do context menus also appear in the wrong place? (The popup menu that appears when you right-click e. g. on a displayed page.)
Comment 4 RobertB 2021-10-20 15:12:58 UTC
(In reply to David Hurka from comment #3)

Yes when using right mouse clicks in both K3b and Okular the menu pops up mostly in a different place. In some case though it pops up in the right place.

In contrast the earlier mentioned entries from the top menu always shows up in a wrong place.
Comment 5 zerocostabstraction 2021-10-23 12:04:19 UTC
(In reply to David Hurka from comment #3)
> Thanks, moving to KXmlGui.
> One more thing: Do context menus also appear in the wrong place? (The popup
> menu that appears when you right-click e. g. on a displayed page.)

Reporting in, that I have the same issue on 5.23.0 on Wayland. Also very inconsistent with the right click, as the user above me mentioned.
Comment 6 Manuel Schönheinz 2022-09-28 15:08:41 UTC
I have the same problem.

It seems to be a wayland related issue since if I log in with X11 it is normal.
Comment 7 Edward Kigwana 2024-06-14 23:13:20 UTC

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 413771 ***