Please refer to the bug at Debian, that has not been answered so far. Since Debian 11 (Bullseye) the Krusader version 2.7.2 "Peace of Mind", as well as a new service for notifications in KDE is standard. There is no option for file operations in the notifications and the Krusader does not appear among the applications there either. In Krusader itself there is no option for the copy / move window. This means that important details such as the current transfer speed and remaining copy time are omitted. There is only a basic progress indicator with not details what is happening. Using XFCE the additional window opens, so this is an issue of KDE. How the copy window can be reactivated? STEPS TO REPRODUCE Copy or move one or more files. OBSERVED RESULT Only a progress indicator is shown in the icon bar and the task icon.;bug=994230;filename=Krusader.png;msg=5 EXPECTED RESULT A separate window opens with current file transfer informations. SOFTWARE/OS VERSIONS Betriebssystem: Debian GNU/Linux 11 KDE-Plasma-Version: 5.20.5 KDE-Frameworks-Version: 5.78.0 Qt-Version: 5.15.2 Kernel-Version: 5.10.0-8-amd64 Art des Betriebssystems: 64-bit Prozessoren: 4 × AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 945 Processor Speicher: 7,7 GiB Arbeitsspeicher Grafikprozessor: NVC1
In newer versions of Krusader, file jobs (copy, move, etc.) are shipped to KIO that handle them in the Plasma Notifications. You can check this in System Settings in the tab "Notifications" section "Applications progress"; to see the progress window again, you should have cheked "Show in notifications" and "Keep popup open during progress". Any change requires to restart Plasma (or logout/login). This not apply if you're not using Plasma as DE. After that you should get a notifications with the additional info. Also, Krusader has a new Job Queue bar where you can handle all the jobs running/pending (but without infos). Does it solve you needs?
Yes - thank you - this works. In the german translation it is named: Fortschritt der Anwendung -> In Fensterleiste anzeigen & In Benachrichtigungen anzeigen So there is nothing in the sense "Keep popup open during progress". That's the reason why it could not be found.
I forgot to say that I use Plasma 5.25, every release has many new features like this. Glad it works.
Created attachment 142095 [details] Altap Salamander Starting Copy Example Picture of another dual pane file manager (this one running on Windows). I have used this file manager since the 1990's. Very, very similar to Krusader, also based on the "Norton Commander" style Dual Pane. This picture is just starting the copy (F5), just like you would in Krusader.
Created attachment 142098 [details] Altap Salamander copying file - copy windows has minimize button Note that the copy window has a minimize button. I have the ability to minimize the copy window and get it out of the way during a long copy (of which I have many of - multi-GB copies). I know that Krusader has the ability to minimize the copy window if I am using KUbuntu, but ther is no ability to minimize if I run Linux Mint Cinnamon, or Pop!_OS, and probably others.
Created attachment 142100 [details] Example of the Salamander copy window minimized I would like the ability to minimize the copy window and get it out of the way while I continue working.
> I would like the ability to minimize the copy window and get it out of the way > while I continue working. When that copy window appears, instead of pressing Return: does pressing F2 work for you? (it has some additional advantages).