Fedora 34 with Maliit virtual keyboard in a built-from-source Plasma Wayland session STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. Lock the screen 2. Tap the Virtual Keyboard button 3. Start typing OBSERVED RESULT It types plain text characters into the text field! If I click the text field and type with my keyboard, it returns to obfuscated input. Thereafter, it remains in obfuscated input mode if I enter text with the virtual keyboard. Seems like something about being activated by the virtual keyboard did not cause the text field to enter obfuscated text mode.
Hmm, the text field has all of these set on it: echoMode: TextInput.Password inputMethodHints: Qt.ImhHiddenText | Qt.ImhSensitiveData | Qt.ImhNoAutoUppercase | Qt.ImhNoPredictiveText Those should be sufficient from the theme side. Moving to plasma-framework, where the text field loves. Possibly even a Qt bug...
errrr... lives. :) I don't know where the text field does its lovin'.
No longer an issue.