Bug 440511 - konsole display problem / cursor shows 1 pixel line residue
Summary: konsole display problem / cursor shows 1 pixel line residue
Alias: None
Product: konsole
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: Fedora RPMs Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Konsole Developer
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Reported: 2021-08-01 20:44 UTC by slartibart70
Modified: 2024-12-01 20:25 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

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konsole focused (14.13 KB, image/png)
2021-08-01 20:44 UTC, slartibart70
konsole unfocused (14.07 KB, image/png)
2021-08-01 20:44 UTC, slartibart70
scaling (166.75 KB, image/png)
2021-08-04 08:24 UTC, slartibart70

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Description slartibart70 2021-08-01 20:44:36 UTC
Created attachment 140453 [details]
konsole focused

this is happening in konsole on fedora34/X11 (see attached screenshot)

If i use Ctrl-R to access the command history in bash, and start typing, then the cursor has a one-pixel line on the very top in the alternate color (i have a white background, a block cursor, and the singel-pixel line is black then)
see: shell_focus.png

When leaving the focus of kconsole to another window, you can clearly see that this is indeed some 'single-pixel outer frame' around the cursor
see: shell_unfocused.png

The only thing i am worried about is the 'roof-like' line above the cursor in focused mode, which i find very annoying.
Can this be fixed somehow?
Comment 1 slartibart70 2021-08-01 20:44:56 UTC
Created attachment 140454 [details]
konsole unfocused
Comment 2 Nate Graham 2021-08-02 18:32:48 UTC
What scale settings are you using?
Comment 3 Ahmad Samir 2021-08-02 22:45:46 UTC
I think that is normal behaviour; the cursor shape is a solid/filled block, when the tab is un-focused it becomes an outline of a block (the inverse of what it was); when if the cursor is selected, the colour are inverted, and in an un-focused tab the it's inverted again (so inverting the inverted colours....).

I hope that makes sense.
Comment 4 slartibart70 2021-08-04 08:24:21 UTC
Created attachment 140503 [details]
Comment 5 slartibart70 2021-08-04 08:27:26 UTC
I still use only fonts-scaling (here: 138%) and no global scaling (display-configuration, global scale is 100%)
The single pixel 'defect' is actually the only thing i noticed being visually distorted.

Maybe we can switch this feature off?
In fc33, the backwards-search did not highlight the keyed-in characters, this seems new in konsole on fc34.
Is there a switch for this highlighting somewhere?
Comment 6 Christoph Cullmann 2024-12-01 20:25:08 UTC
Can you try a more recent 24.08 version? Thanks!