Bug 440218 - Add a tooltip to the track effects toggle button in the track header
Summary: Add a tooltip to the track effects toggle button in the track header
Alias: None
Product: kdenlive
Classification: Applications
Component: User Interface & Miscellaneous (show other bugs)
Version: 21.04.3
Platform: Other Linux
: NOR minor
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Julius Künzel
Depends on:
Reported: 2021-07-24 09:43 UTC by Anders Lund
Modified: 2021-08-14 12:46 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:
Latest Commit:
Version Fixed In: 21.12.0
Sentry Crash Report:


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Description Anders Lund 2021-07-24 09:43:19 UTC
Please add a tooltip to the track effects toggle button in the track header - that would greatly help users to understand what it is :)
Suggestion, as pr state:
disabled: "Toggle track effects"
off: "Enable track effects"
on: "Disable track effects"
Comment 1 Anders Lund 2021-07-24 10:06:42 UTC
To fix, insert the below code at https://invent.kde.org/multimedia/kdenlive/-/blob/master/src/timeline2/view/qml/TrackHead.qml line 487 (eb7f5026):

                ToolTip {
                    visible: effectButton.hovered
                    font: miniFont
                    delay: 1500
                    timeout: 5000
                    background: Rectangle {
                        color: activePalette.alternateBase
                        border.color: activePalette.light
                    contentItem: Label {
                        color: activePalette.text
                        text: enabled ? (isStackEisabled? i18n("Disable track effects") : i18n("Enable track effects")) : i18n("Toggle stack effects"))
Comment 2 emohr 2021-07-25 14:04:20 UTC
Hello anders@alweb.dk . Thank you for the suggestion. If you like you can make a merge request on Kdenlive gitlab: https://invent.kde.org/multimedia/kdenlive/-/tree/master
Comment 3 Julius Künzel 2021-07-25 14:14:06 UTC
Thanks for your contribution! As @emohr said it would be really nice if you can open a merge request on the Kdenlive GitLab repository. While bugs.kde.org is the place for bug reports and feature requests, GitLab is the better place for code contributions. You can find a detailed how-to-do instruction here: https://community.kde.org/Infrastructure/GitLab#Submitting_a_merge_request

If you still have questions please feel free to ask! It would also be nice if you let us know in case you could/would for some reasons not open a merge request…
Comment 4 Anders Lund 2021-07-25 14:20:59 UTC
Hi there,

Thank you for answering!

I don't really have a system suitable for development, so I hope someone will be kind enough to add this. I wrote the code in the hope it would help the process, and it is untested, basically just copy and paste + logic for selecting state based on the variables used for the button. :)

I'd really like to help out a bit where I can, but I think it will mostly be documentation and bug reporting.
Comment 5 Julius Künzel 2021-08-14 11:09:53 UTC
Git commit 92956539822f28aa221f11b1409b50a4beb283e6 by Julius Künzel.
Committed on 14/08/2021 at 11:09.
Pushed by jlskuz into branch 'master'.

Add a tooltip to the track effects toggle button in the track header

Co-Authored-By: Anders Lund <anders@alweb.dk>

M  +14   -0    src/timeline2/view/qml/TrackHead.qml

Comment 6 Julius Künzel 2021-08-14 11:12:26 UTC
Thanks for the contribution anyway. I just pushed your suggestion with small spelling and syntax corrections…
Comment 7 Anders Lund 2021-08-14 11:24:28 UTC
Thanks a lot!

Looking at it, I see that I said "Toggle stack effects" in the last string - 
that would have to be "Toggle track effects" (track, not stack).

lørdag den 14. august 2021 13.12.26 CEST skrev du:
> https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=440218
> Julius Künzel <jk.kdedev@smartlab.uber.space> changed:
>            What    |Removed                     |Added
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Flags|Brainstorm+                 |
>    Version Fixed In|                            |21.12.0
> --- Comment #6 from Julius Künzel <jk.kdedev@smartlab.uber.space> ---
> Thanks for the contribution anyway. I just pushed your suggestion with small
> spelling and syntax corrections…
Comment 8 Julius Künzel 2021-08-14 12:46:10 UTC
Git commit 834c791eef12f6ddf0cdcce7eb472f39051cbbcc by Julius Künzel.
Committed on 14/08/2021 at 12:45.
Pushed by jlskuz into branch 'master'.

Fix string of previous commit

M  +1    -1    src/timeline2/view/qml/TrackHead.qml
