SUMMARY Ctrl+Q is the global shortcut to quit an application and it should cease all of its active functions. Currently, this does not work for Elisa. STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. I pressed Enter on an audio file in Midnight Commander and it launched Elisa. 2. I wanted another player, so I pressed Ctrl+Q to quit Elisa. OBSERVED RESULT 1. The audio kept playing 2. The media control in the panel still showed the audio file 3. The media control had no effect on playback (only the Pause button and the position slider were enabled) 4. I had to kill the elisa process to stop playback EXPECTED RESULT Playback should stop upon quitting. If there was no other media player active, media control should disappear.
Is Elisa still secretly running in a System Tray item?
Hm… I have Elisa installed on only one of my three system. And on there I can’t reproduce anymore. It’s either been fixed by now or it was a glitch in the first place.