Bug 439035 - The "correct" application is run on the second click. First one starts nothing or the previous one.
Summary: The "correct" application is run on the second click. First one starts nothin...
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 438313
Alias: None
Product: plasmashell
Classification: Plasma
Component: Application Launcher (Kickoff) widget (show other bugs)
Version: 5.22.1
Platform: Neon Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: 1.0
Assignee: David Edmundson
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Reported: 2021-06-22 19:03 UTC by Stefan K.
Modified: 2021-06-23 12:30 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

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Description Stefan K. 2021-06-22 19:03:20 UTC

This is an annoying one. Kickoff (or KRunner) starts the application I have clicked before. It seems to ignore the current request and repeats the last one.

The bug seems to be introduced with Plasma 5.22.1 (Framework .83).

1. Log in.
2. Run one application in Kickoff - in example Dolphin.
3. Nothing happens.
4. Click on "System Settings".
5. Dolphin appears.
6. Click on something else.
7. "System Settings" appears.


It also seems to have side effects. If I want media files from dolphin to open in vlc, it is just the same. The first time nothing happens. The second time the file is opened in vlc. If I want another file, I have to open vlc twice. Because the first time it opens with the previous file.

It does not affect keyboard shortcuts like META+E to start Dolphin. These still work correct. As far as I see. Konsole is fine, too.


Well, open the apps I wanted to :)

Linux/KDE Plasma: Neon Linux (up-to-date)
KDE Plasma Version: 5.22.1
KDE Frameworks Version: 5.83.0
Qt Version: 5.15.3


I tested it with a fresh user profile, too. The same result. Interestingly I can only reproduce it in a Wayland session.
Comment 1 samvo 2021-06-23 12:27:48 UTC
Some apps (in my case Audacious) opens normally
Comment 2 Antonio Rojas 2021-06-23 12:30:05 UTC

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 438313 ***