Buttons like [OK] and [Cancel] are missing translation in Kdenlive's OWN builds (Windows/macOS/Linux). But the DISTRO builds have them. This has been a common problem across all KDE official standalone packages since ever. Recently the Krita developers have solved the problem: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=395338 https://invent.kde.org/graphics/krita/commit/6ddad6502f3742c08ca89c3d1db36f331cf95e55 It's now working correctly in Krita's latest nighlies. Maybe we can use the same trick to fix Kdenlive's too?
Created attachment 139368 [details] Kdenlive Missing translations for some basic buttons (appimage) Only the buttons inside the pink box is missing translations. This is happening on other dialogue's basic buttons (OK, Cancel and so on). Tested with Kdenlive 21.04.2 appimage. For some reason, other languages are not affected -- but that's ONLY for the appimage version. Kdenlive's Windows package is missing those translations across ALL languages.
I think the button translation issue is mostly fixed. Please check.
Yes, I think the translation issue has been fixed. Also check bug 434179, I think it has been fixed too.
I close this bug and let bug 434179 open as we have still issues with some languages.