I had been running happily with most locale variables set to en_CA.utf8 and with "American English" as the only Plasma translation. I installed "français" and made it the default, tested it, then installed Korean and made it the default, tested it, then made American English the default again. Even after restarting, the command line is a hilarious Unicode salad. [copperplate:~]$ apt full-upgrade E: 잠금 파일 /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend 파일을 열 수 없습니다 - open (13: Permission non accordée) E: Impossible d'obtenir le verrou de dpkg (/var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend). Avez-vous les droits du superutilisateur ? [copperplate:~]$ locale LANG=en_CA.UTF-8 LANGUAGE=en_US:ko:fr LC_CTYPE="en_CA.UTF-8" LC_NUMERIC=en_CA.UTF-8 LC_TIME=en_CA.UTF-8 LC_COLLATE="en_CA.UTF-8" LC_MONETARY=en_CA.UTF-8 LC_MESSAGES="en_CA.UTF-8" LC_PAPER=en_CA.UTF-8 LC_NAME=en_CA.UTF-8 LC_ADDRESS=en_CA.UTF-8 LC_TELEPHONE=en_CA.UTF-8 LC_MEASUREMENT=en_CA.UTF-8 LC_IDENTIFICATION=en_CA.UTF-8 LC_ALL= [copperplate:~]$ locale -a C C.UTF-8 en_AG en_AG.utf8 en_AU.utf8 en_BW.utf8 en_CA.utf8 en_DK.utf8 en_GB.utf8 en_HK.utf8 en_IE.utf8 en_IL en_IL.utf8 en_IN en_IN.utf8 en_NG en_NG.utf8 en_NZ.utf8 en_PH.utf8 en_SG.utf8 en_US.utf8 en_ZA.utf8 en_ZM en_ZM.utf8 en_ZW.utf8 fr_BE.utf8 fr_CA.utf8 fr_CH.utf8 fr_FR.utf8 fr_LU.utf8 POSIX
Setting “LANGUAGE=en_US” (just one language) or “LANGUAGE=C:fr:ko” fixes the command line. I suppose that few packages have any “en” localizations, and rely on the fall-back “C” strings to serve English users. Perhaps kcm_language should never put an English locale by itself in LANGUAGE; it should always follow it with C, as in “LANGUAGE=fr:en_CA:C:ko”.
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 192019 ***