SUMMARY When I long-press a brush preset in the left half of the preset chooser (the one on the toolbar), a context menu is shown. However, when I do the same on the right half, the popup is closed instead. The preset chooser docker works correctly. STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. Open the brush preset chooser popup from the toolbar 2. Long-press a brush preset in the right half of the chooser OBSERVED RESULT The popup is closed EXPECTED RESULT The context menu is displayed. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION I tested it on git 87c46be, Samsung Galaxy Tab S6.
Git commit 7966de85fdce959cd4d8e531bfe1bb59f51d4a56 by Sharaf Zaman. Committed on 26/05/2021 at 11:02. Pushed by szaman into branch 'master'. Android: Fix long press in floating widget Related: bug 437663 M +17 -7 3rdparty/ext_qt/0099-Emulate-Long-Press-as-Right-Click-on-Android.patch