Bug 436098 - Free space is not consistently displayed in status bar
Summary: Free space is not consistently displayed in status bar
Alias: None
Product: dolphin
Classification: Applications
Component: bars: status (show other bugs)
Version: 22.12.1
Platform: Arch Linux Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Dolphin Bug Assignee
Depends on:
Reported: 2021-04-23 15:25 UTC by Patrick Silva
Modified: 2023-01-23 15:55 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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screen recording (3.74 MB, video/webm)
2021-04-23 15:25 UTC, Patrick Silva
"Space information" bar is displayed wrong (6.10 KB, image/png)
2021-07-17 13:12 UTC, smow

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Patrick Silva 2021-04-23 15:25:34 UTC
Sometimes free space is missing from status bar. I can't reproduce consistently, apparently it's a random bug. Please watch the attached screen recording.

Operating System: Arch Linux
KDE Plasma Version: 5.21.4
KDE Frameworks Version: 5.81.0
Qt Version: 5.15.2
Graphics Platform: X11
Comment 1 Patrick Silva 2021-04-23 15:25:58 UTC
Created attachment 137835 [details]
screen recording
Comment 2 smow 2021-07-17 13:12:42 UTC
Created attachment 140136 [details]
"Space information" bar is displayed wrong

I can confirm this bug with latest stable update of Manjaro Linux (Dolphin 21.04.3). However it started happening from today morning, it didn't occur to me before.

Also, it doesn't happen on all disks/partitions I have mounted and only on multiple tabs. At least I didn't observe it with Dolphin running only one tab.

When I change the folder and go back, problem disappear.
Comment 3 smow 2022-03-15 17:34:44 UTC
It recently started happening again with Dolphin 21.12.2 with Manjaro.

KDE Plasma Version: 5.24.2
KDE Frameworks Version: 5.91.0
Qt Version: 5.15.2
Kernel Version: 5.17.0-2-MANJARO (64-bit)
Graphics Platform: X11
Comment 4 Patrick Silva 2022-07-17 09:41:19 UTC
This bug seems related to slow storage device. It is still happening on my desktop computer with 3 hard disks
running Arch Linux, but I have never seen it on my laptop with a SATA SSD. My laptop broke a few days ago, then I removed its SSD and installed it on my desktop computer and this bug also happened on neon unstable installed on it.

Operating System: KDE neon Unstable Edition
KDE Plasma Version: 5.25.80
KDE Frameworks Version: 5.97.0
Qt Version: 5.15.5
Graphics Platform: Wayland

Operating System: Arch Linux
KDE Plasma Version: 5.25.3
KDE Frameworks Version: 5.96.0
Qt Version: 5.15.5
Graphics Platform: Wayland