Bug 435485 - Audio cracks when more than 2 audio channels for playback are set (windows)
Summary: Audio cracks when more than 2 audio channels for playback are set (windows)
Alias: None
Product: kdenlive
Classification: Applications
Component: Monitors & Playback (show other bugs)
Version: 24.08.1
Platform: Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Jean-Baptiste Mardelle
Keywords: triaged
Depends on:
Reported: 2021-04-07 21:27 UTC by tonton
Modified: 2024-10-27 09:13 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

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Sentry Crash Report:

recording of the audio crack through obs (1.75 MB, video/mp4)
2021-04-07 21:27 UTC, tonton

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Description tonton 2021-04-07 21:27:42 UTC
Created attachment 137417 [details]
recording of the audio crack through obs


1. On windows 10, add sound in kdenlive timeline
2. Play

Audio cracks and weird noise (see attachment)

Clean audio.
I tried to change various sound settings in playback category of kdenlive settings, no luck so far. This bug makes kdenlive unusable on windows 10 for me.

Windows 10 pro
Portable and installed version of kdenlive 20.12.3
KDE 5.79.0
QT 5.15.2

Motherboard : ASrock x99 Extreme4
Graphic card : GTX TITAN X
Processor : I7-5960X

Thanks for your hard work on this software ! Cheers
Comment 1 emohr 2021-04-23 17:34:30 UTC
Thank you for reporting. 
Does OBS create the clip by hardware acceleration (GPU)? 
If so can you try generating the clip in OBS by CPU and check if you still have this crackling?
Comment 2 tonton 2021-04-29 21:58:24 UTC
Thanks for getting back, not on my computer this week, i'll take a look after if you want, but definitely positive that it is not Obs fault here, i tried to do some editings in KDE and had this clicks, that's why i reported it...
I had this same bug some months ago, but didn't take time to report, i thought maybe it was because of windows platform (it was beta at this time if i recall correctly).
Comment 3 emohr 2021-04-30 13:26:47 UTC
Can you play around with following setting: 

Settings –> configure Kdenlive -> playback -> choose different audio driver.

Settings -> OpenGL backend -> choose different settings. 

I assume best settings for Win10 would be "Wasapi", "DirectX". 

Maybe updateting the audio driver of your system could help as well.
Comment 4 tonton 2021-05-18 22:23:34 UTC
I did play with these settings before filling this bug report, after testing all available options without success, it happened to work once, for one session. As soon as Kdenlive was closed, the bug appeared again...
Comment 5 AySz88 2021-06-13 03:29:29 UTC
I think I am seeing the same issue - any playback, even scrubbing over even a blank timeline, produces audio crackling.

Kdenlive 21.04.1, fresh install
MLT 6.26.1
KDE Frameworks 5.82.0
Qt 5.15.2

ASRock X99 Extreme4
NVidia GeForce GTX 1070 Ti
Intel Core i7-5820K

I notice we both are using the same mobo; its audio is based on RealTek ALC1150. I have driver version

May be a coincidence, but: Voicemeeter and Discord had a similar problem, and they developed a workaround where you give the audiodg.exe process (Windows Audio Device Graph Isolation) High priority and affinity to a single core.
Comment 6 emohr 2021-06-13 14:04:17 UTC
I assume you had a Win10 update lately. The RealTek driver seems very old (2016?). Try to update the RealTek driver and the Intel graphic card driver. Maybe you can use a standard Windows driver instead of the RealTek driver.
Comment 7 emohr 2022-09-30 18:33:33 UTC
We found another problem lately. Please try the following: 
- Select the Windows icon in the taskbar, then select the gear to open Windows Settings.
- Select System.
- Select Sound in the left pane, then select Sound Control Panel under Related Settings in the top-right corner.
- Select the advanced tab in the window that pops up.
- Set the standard format to 44100 Hz.

Try again.
Comment 8 Bug Janitor Service 2022-10-15 04:56:03 UTC
Dear Bug Submitter,

This bug has been in NEEDSINFO status with no change for at least
15 days. Please provide the requested information as soon as
possible and set the bug status as REPORTED. Due to regular bug
tracker maintenance, if the bug is still in NEEDSINFO status with
no change in 30 days the bug will be closed as RESOLVED > WORKSFORME
due to lack of needed information.

For more information about our bug triaging procedures please read the
wiki located here:

If you have already provided the requested information, please
mark the bug as REPORTED so that the KDE team knows that the bug is
ready to be confirmed.

Thank you for helping us make KDE software even better for everyone!
Comment 9 AySz88 2022-10-28 06:18:17 UTC
(In reply to emohr from comment #7)
> We found another problem lately. Please try the following: 
> (...)
> - Select Sound in the left pane, then select Sound Control Panel under
> Related Settings in the top-right corner.
> - Select the advanced tab in the window that pops up.

I can set individual devices' sample rates, but without selecting a device, I don't see an Advanced tab or a "standard" format to set.

I didn't end up reproducing the same issue here with latest kdenlive 22.08.2 and Win 10.0.19045.2193. I am getting a few moments of stutter at the start of playbacks but I suspect that's better investigated separately.
Comment 10 Bug Janitor Service 2022-11-12 05:14:46 UTC
Dear Bug Submitter,

This bug has been in NEEDSINFO status with no change for at least
15 days. Please provide the requested information as soon as
possible and set the bug status as REPORTED. Due to regular bug
tracker maintenance, if the bug is still in NEEDSINFO status with
no change in 30 days the bug will be closed as RESOLVED > WORKSFORME
due to lack of needed information.

For more information about our bug triaging procedures please read the
wiki located here:

If you have already provided the requested information, please
mark the bug as REPORTED so that the KDE team knows that the bug is
ready to be confirmed.

Thank you for helping us make KDE software even better for everyone!
Comment 11 AySz88 2022-11-13 08:24:28 UTC
After redoing my audio setup I tried again with latest Kdenlive 22.08.3 and reproduced the original crackle issue. This time I was using a virtual audio device (VoiceMeeter VAIO), and noticed that the crackles only happen on the surround sound channels (i.e for 7.1, on channels other than front left or right).

Changing my virtual device from 7.1 to stereo and restarting kdenlive caused the crackling to stop. Changing the sample rate did not seem to have an effect.

The Realtek audio chipset may be unrelated as it should be uninvolved at the moment - nothing is plugged into it and everything is routed through Voicemeeter to a USB device.
Comment 12 emohr 2022-11-13 08:53:36 UTC
Thank you for the feedback. That means you have only crackling when you set your audio device to more than 2 audio channels for playback. Correct?
Comment 13 AySz88 2022-11-13 09:40:19 UTC
Yes, that appears to be the case.
Comment 14 Erick 2024-08-20 22:01:04 UTC
Hello, I have downloaded the latest version available 24.05.2, I was evaluating its functions, I have in V2 a video without audio, then in V1 a video title without audio and finally in V2 another video with its corresponding audio in A2. I have no problems, everything works spectacularly. I added in A1 a 6 second music audio, starting from 00:00:00:00. This audio was previously normalized, it has no clicks or any artifacts. When I press play all the videos look perfect, the audio of the v2 video that starts at second 00:00:04:00, sounds perfect, However the A1 audio has many cracks. I have tried all the recommendations in this report and in other sources, but everything is the same. I have discovered that if I move the A1 audio from the beginning to any other position, everything sounds perfect, if I return it to the beginning it gives problems again. Could this be the same problem reported here? Thanks for any help.
Comment 15 Jean-Baptiste Mardelle 2024-08-21 05:59:15 UTC
Hi Erick,

First thing would be to check if these audio cracks also appear in the rendered video. If not, this might be related to your audio setup / config. If the cracks also appear on the render, would be great if you can test the current development build that contains some fixes for audio issues (I am assuming you are on Windows?):
Comment 16 Bug Janitor Service 2024-09-05 03:47:01 UTC
🐛🧹 ⚠️ This bug has been in NEEDSINFO status with no change for at least 15 days. Please provide the requested information, then set the bug status to REPORTED. If there is no change for at least 30 days, it will be automatically closed as RESOLVED WORKSFORME.

For more information about our bug triaging procedures, please read https://community.kde.org/Guidelines_and_HOWTOs/Bug_triaging.

Thank you for helping us make KDE software even better for everyone!
Comment 17 Bug Janitor Service 2024-09-20 03:47:06 UTC
🐛🧹 This bug has been in NEEDSINFO status with no change for at least 30 days. Closing as RESOLVED WORKSFORME.
Comment 18 AySz88 2024-09-20 20:56:10 UTC
I don't have any insight on Erick's issue (honestly I think it's a different one) but I can still reproduce the original issue in 24.08.1.
Comment 19 emohr 2024-09-22 10:37:32 UTC
If you have no crackling on the rendered video then it’s an audio setup issue on your PC. If it’s on your PC try the following: windws+r -> enter “mmsys.cpl” -> playback -> set your device to 44100 Hz.

Is the crackling gone?