Apparently, at the moment the data range spinbox implementation allows only integers but it would be nice if maximum and minimum values could be set as non-integer/floating-point numbers. For example voltages have often very limited range but long decimal part. Eg. reading datasheet of my old CPU, its stock voltage range is 1.1625-1.3250 volts (in steps of 0.0125V). So it would make much sense to be able to set the range e.g. 1.0-1.4 or even tighter to use the chart space more efficiently (instead of from 1 to 2).
Seems valid, I think the way forward is to offer a suffix box so you type 1400 mV. As we want suffix for some other UX tasks when choosing Gb and Mb
Git commit 204fc2d9ebfe198fe592583ed46f512fb5d22684 by Arjen Hiemstra. Committed on 06/08/2021 at 10:40. Pushed by ahiemstra into branch 'master'. Allow using up to two decimals for range values This allows inputting things like "0.25 TiB" which makes it simpler to provide the right range. M +2 -2 faces/facepackages/barchart/contents/config/main.xml M +2 -2 faces/facepackages/linechart/contents/config/main.xml M +2 -2 faces/facepackages/piechart/contents/config/main.xml M +41 -1 faces/import/SensorRangeSpinBox.qml