It's more convenient if variable of file path (without drive letter on windows) is added in prefix of backup file to put it in flexible location. Example----- Kate configuration => Backup file prefix: C:/Backup/%{FilePath}/ Backup file suffix: .bak Edited file => C:/Programs/src/module1/ab.c Expected behavior => Put backup file as C:/Backup/Programs/src/module1/ab.c.bak
>It's more convenient if variable of file path (without drive letter on windows) I mean I would like to get base path in front of file name in file path as value of the variable.
As another idea, it may be more flexible if user can setup the back file name pattern by using variable (instead of setting up prefix and suffix) like following: Example----- /Backup/%{BasePath}/%{FileName}_%{Date:yyyyMMdd}-%{Time:HHmmss}.%{Extension}
I don't think that is such a often used feature that it requires this amount of flexibility. If you think otherwise, patches to add this are welcome, but I don't see that the team will spend work on that.