This is a sort of usability enhancement I propose here. On my system I use the default "Breeze" color scheme for nearly all applications, but modified ~/.config/gwenviewrc to make Gwenview use Breeze Dark color scheme (like described here: ). I have run it this way for at least a year and I'm really satisfied with this tweak, since viewing images subjectively works better for me when Gwenview uses a dark theme/Breeze Dark (on the other hand I don't like it that much if everything else has a dark color scheme). Since adding whole color scheme definitions to gwenviewrc is a bit messy, I would like to propose to: - Either add a setting (regardless if it is enabled or disabled by default) to make Gwenview use a dark color scheme even if a bright color scheme is used globally (if that's feasible). - Or make it possible to select a color scheme that Gwenview should use instead of the global one (via Gwenview settings and/or gwenviewrc, something like "OverrideColorScheme=Breeze Dark" instead of needing to copy&paste the whole scheme definition). digiKam offers something like this at the "Settings -> Design" submenu. Kind regards, Jan
There's a standard thing for this; Gwenview just needs to adopt it.
(We can do this by adopting KColorSchemeMenu)
Most video players and image viewers use dark mode by default since the important thing here is the actual content this kind of apps should not stand out themselves, I believe this is a very needed usability enhancement