Created attachment 136027 [details] Strange long filename wrapping in Krusader I have a file named "Oxalate content and calcium binding capacity of tea and herbal teas.pdf". It ends up being wrapped as seen in the screenshot, even though there's plenty of space in the Name column, and even if there weren't, the filename shouldn't be wrapped. As a result, I can't see the filename (unless I press F2 to rename it).
Maybe the name of the file has a "carriage return" inside. If you use Dolphin, do you see the same?
Created attachment 136067 [details] Dolphin rendering the long filename Good hunch! `ls` revealed there was indeed a \n before " herbal", which Dolphin treated as a regular space in view mode, and as a line break when renaming the file. Perhaps Krusader could do the same?
Sorry, Dolphin treated the \n as ''. Here's the `ls` output: 'Oxalate content and calcium binding capacity of tea and'$'\n''herbal teas.pdf'
(In reply to Dan Dascalescu from comment #2) > Perhaps Krusader could do the same? IMO, it shouldn't. You have a newline in the file name, this is allowed by the FS, but usually is not desired and Krusader helps you to find the issue. We should show these file names as is (expanding the row to include the contents though).
> expanding the row to include the contents though SGTM. Should then Dolphin do the same?
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(In reply to Dan Dascalescu from comment #5) > > expanding the row to include the contents though > > SGTM. Should then Dolphin do the same? I believe that it should, because we should not arbitrarily substitute characters, especially those that may obfuscate what the filename actually contains. Consequently, is addition of Dolphin as another affected component (because it is, even if the title remains technically possible to observe via Dolphin) to this report possible, or must this be duplicated?
I'm closing this because the behavior in Krusader is considered fine. If you want that Dolphin shows newline characters in filenames, please create a new bug report.
(In reply to Alex Bikadorov from comment #8) > I'm closing this because the behavior in Krusader is considered fine. That doesn't make much sense. As demonstrates, the filename isn't actually visible. The wrapping itself isn't the problem - merely the fact that the wrapping renders the filename unreadable. I presume that Dolphin does not render newlines to avoid this. > If you want that Dolphin shows newline characters in filenames, please create a new bug report. Yeah, ignore It and the preceding reponses are off-topic for this report.
Okay, reopening. I like the solution in Dolphin: Newline characters are displayed as "↩" symbol (U+21A9).
> I like the solution in Dolphin: Newline characters are displayed as "↩" symbol (U+21A9). Yes, it looks like a good idea.