If you search for, say, Spotify in Discover, you'll see two entries. One has a tiny 4-cubes-like logo in the far right, the other an inverted U. I suppose these might be Snap/Appimage/Flatpak, but I personally don't recognize the logos, and I've been around Ubuntu for a while.
Git commit bb2d5cfa4ab94e85eda5f9e6d2f06beb568ee04d by Aleix Pol. Committed on 22/02/2021 at 00:32. Pushed by apol into branch 'master'. Include a tooltip on the source icon Show the backend name on the tooltip when hovering the icon we show when a resource represents the non-default applications backend. M +5 -0 discover/qml/ApplicationDelegate.qml https://invent.kde.org/plasma/discover/commit/bb2d5cfa4ab94e85eda5f9e6d2f06beb568ee04d
Git commit ce89d530de3414f25bb4b48a1933a52bf37be922 by Aleix Pol Gonzalez, on behalf of Nate Graham. Committed on 24/02/2021 at 17:31. Pushed by ngraham into branch 'master'. Mention backend name in "Install" button to make the source super clear This allows the backend to be really really clear to the user, even if they're not familiar with the logos and don't think to hover the cursor over it to see the tooltip. In fact with this commit, the tooltip is removed because the name is now visible by default in the button name, so it's no longer needed. FIXED-IN: 5.22 M +11 -1 discover/qml/ApplicationDelegate.qml M +15 -4 discover/qml/InstallApplicationButton.qml https://invent.kde.org/plasma/discover/commit/ce89d530de3414f25bb4b48a1933a52bf37be922