Hi, I would like to suggest an integration with Weblate. Weblate is an open source localization platform with hosting services or on-premise support services (or self-maintained on-prem with no support for free). Integrating Lokalize with Weblate will bring the best of both worlds: Offline tools and Online functionality while allowing online collaboration possibilities. I believe that an optional online backend could benefit the translators while enriching the current TM, lowering the entrance barrier for newbies and keeping more translators engaged while staying fully connected to their team string-by-string (There's also screenshot support that can be designed). For lower connection speed there will be an option to turn auto syncing off and allow manual syncing when needed so the localization will go on as much as possible. Weblate has a very well documented API: https://docs.weblate.org/en/latest/api.html This could be a great step for the KDE community and widen the adoption of Lokalize. Thank you very much.