Bug 431538 - Desktop grid view, should listen to key shortcuts, like for example change to next activity shortcuts, while drag and dropping a window.
Summary: Desktop grid view, should listen to key shortcuts, like for example change to...
Alias: None
Product: kwin
Classification: Plasma
Component: activities (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: Arch Linux Linux
: NOR wishlist
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: KWin default assignee
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Reported: 2021-01-13 12:43 UTC by jakubby
Modified: 2021-01-13 20:23 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Description jakubby 2021-01-13 12:43:52 UTC
I would like to to move a window to another workspace within another activity from desktop grid view.

1. Trigger Desktop grid view.
2. Hold and move the window.
3. Trigger Change to next activity.
4. Change to another activity can't happen from within Desktop grid view.

I trigger Desktop Grid view.
I left click and hold on a window from the current workspace.
I can't move to another activity while dragging the window.

I trigger Desktop Grid view.
I left click and hold on a window from the current workspace.
I hit shift+tab, I swap the activity to another one.
I move the window to a workspace within the new activity.

Linux/KDE Plasma: Arch 
KDE Plasma Version: 5.20.5
KDE Frameworks Version: 5.78.0
Qt Version: 5.15.2
Comment 1 jakubby 2021-01-13 13:01:06 UTC
(In reply to kubast2 from comment #0)
> I would like to to move a window to another workspace within another
> activity from desktop grid view.

This allows for example to let the user create a new tab in his text editor/file manager and move it to another instance.

Additional reasoning:
This feature could be especially useful for the user.
Say when working with an upwards of X workspaces.
We get interrupted(say friends went online and they started communicating with you, initially the user talks within his activity workspace, but it starts extending heavily, the user now wants to move all the chat windows to another activity[I found it that managing a large number of workspaces gets really taxing, and I would love to see the KDE workflow improve even further]).

Part of this request:
User might want to move a file using hot corners, from say the dolphin window, into another window within the desktop grid into another program.

This goes hand in hand with moving a File into another activity, or detaching dolphin tab into another workspace/activity.
Comment 3 Nate Graham 2021-01-13 19:12:36 UTC
Thanks for the observations. However each bug report can only have one issue in it, not several. Can you please open new bug reports, one per issue? Thanks!

See also https://community.kde.org/Get_Involved/Issue_Reporting#One_issue_per_Bugzilla_ticket for background information and reasoning regarding why this policy exists.
Comment 4 Nate Graham 2021-01-13 19:23:59 UTC
Oops, closed the wrong bug, sorry.
Comment 5 jakubby 2021-01-13 20:23:15 UTC
(In reply to Nate Graham from comment #4)
> Oops, closed the wrong bug, sorry.
No problem, we all get carried away at times.
It is on me, for all the kde bugs links I have made.