Created attachment 134339 [details] Audio volume applet illustrating lack of desired style I was advised by Nate to post this here: I have also attached the image I was referring to - the bars are the audio bars and it would be nice to have them go grey when global mute is on in the audio plasmoid. I'll reproduce the comment here also for posterity: "There is one concern I still have – to be clear this is going from your screenshot only. The position of the Global Mute is the best now for sure. But a concern remains about how it indicates its state. I understand from your screenshot that those devices are at the levels shown, but global mute is enabled. Can this be made a bit clearer so all the bars get greyed out when you enable global mute?</q> I think some redundancy would help there as it’s easy to look at the enabled-looking devices and wonder why your audio isn’t working. Thanks!" Nate's (cc'd) reply: "> Can this be made a bit clearer so all the bars get greyed out when you enable global mute? They do, sort of. When global mute is activated, the sliders enter their disabled state. The disabled state for Plasma Breeze Theme sliders makes the handle partially transparent, but not the bar itself. So this would need to be fixed by changing the appearance of the disabled state for the Plasma Breeze theme styling for the Slider control itself. Can you submit a bug report to Plasmashell | Theme – Breeze asking for that?" As requested. 🙂
Yeah we could do a better job of indicating that the slider is disabled. This could be changed in either the Plasma slider's code, or in the Breeze theme's slider SVG.