Dans la fenêtre des "paramètres du diaporama", si on décoche la case "afficher l'indicateur de progression", il est alors impossible de retrouver cette fenêtre des "paramètres du diaporama"
Slideshow have been ported to DPlugins architecture this year (the last tool not yet ported since 7.0.0, and now setting dialog page was moved in the plugin as well. Look the settings button on the tools bar located on the bottom of view during slideshow. Gilles Caulier
Additional info: with F1 a help page can be reached and with F2 always the settings. Maik
Git commit 31a9c378edd26ec7a863728df91c00496b11b2b9 by Maik Qualmann. Committed on 25/12/2020 at 18:17. Pushed by mqualmann into branch 'master'. add note for the F2 key in the slideshow settings M +7 -1 core/dplugins/generic/view/slideshow/dialogs/setupslideshow_dialog.cpp https://invent.kde.org/graphics/digikam/commit/31a9c378edd26ec7a863728df91c00496b11b2b9