Bug 430222 - After setting the default browser to chrome, plasmashell and dolphin reach 100% cpu usage and are often unresponsive.
Summary: After setting the default browser to chrome, plasmashell and dolphin reach 10...
Alias: None
Product: systemsettings
Classification: Applications
Component: kcm_componentchooser (show other bugs)
Version: 5.20.3
Platform: Manjaro Linux
: NOR crash
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Plasma Bugs List
Depends on:
Reported: 2020-12-10 15:41 UTC by wufe8
Modified: 2021-01-25 16:36 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

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Sentry Crash Report:

home page (3.15 MB, application/x-7z-compressed)
2020-12-10 15:41 UTC, wufe8

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description wufe8 2020-12-10 15:41:50 UTC
Created attachment 133972 [details]
home page


1. `pacman -S yay`
2. `yay google-chrome`
3. system setting -> Applications -> default applications -> web browser : Google Chrome
Or check the box to set chrome as the default browser when first open chrome

1. Add widget left pop-up window constantly refreshes itself
2. plasmashell and dolphin takes up 100% of cpu and causes system lag
3. dolphin often crashes on its own and desktop jamming

neofetch (Before reproducing the operation):
OS: Manjaro Linux x86_64 
Kernel: 5.9.11-3-MANJARO 
Uptime: 57 mins 
Packages: 1319 (pacman) 
Shell: bash 5.0.18 
Resolution: 1920x1080, 1920x1080 
DE: Plasma 5.20.4 
WM: KWin 
Theme: Breath2 [Plasma], Breath [GTK2/3] 
Icons: breath2 [Plasma], breath2 [GTK2/3] 
Terminal: yakuake 
CPU: Intel i7-8700K (12) @ 4.700GHz 
GPU: Intel UHD Graphics 630 
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti 
Memory: 2076MiB / 15868MiB 

pacman -Qs google-chrome:
local/google-chrome 87.0.4280.88-1
    The popular and trusted web browser by Google (Stable Channel)

`killall plasmashell; plasmashell &` or `reboot` or reset default browser to firefox won't fix these problem.
If after reinstallation of the system with no formatting /home. The above problem still occurs.
I have packed the home directory before and after for viewing.
My major language is Chinese. Some content may have translation errors, sry.
Comment 1 Nate Graham 2020-12-10 15:50:33 UTC
> 1. Add widget left pop-up window constantly refreshes itself
Can you clarify what this means? A screenshot or screen recording would be helpful.
Comment 2 wufe8 2020-12-11 10:13:33 UTC
(In reply to Nate Graham from comment #1)
> > 1. Add widget left pop-up window constantly refreshes itself
> Can you clarify what this means? A screenshot or screen recording would be
> helpful.

here is video:
Comment 3 Nate Graham 2020-12-11 14:52:49 UTC
Well that's odd.

Does the Application Launcher/Kickoff constantly display a message saying that it's updating the applications, or something like that?
Comment 4 wufe8 2020-12-11 16:29:22 UTC
(In reply to Nate Graham from comment #3)
> Well that's odd.
> Does the Application Launcher/Kickoff constantly display a message saying
> that it's updating the applications, or something like that?

I don't think so.
after `pacman -Syu` or reboot several times. it still no solve.
Once this is triggered, the desktop and file manager can easily get stuck (but can usually recover on their own)

My current solution is to create a new account and overwrite the entire home directory with the original account.
Comment 5 Nate Graham 2020-12-11 21:17:15 UTC
Very odd.
Comment 6 Christoph Feck 2020-12-11 21:37:48 UTC
(Resetting status)
Comment 7 Méven Car 2021-01-25 16:36:31 UTC
You can try  `touch ~/.config/mimeapps.list`

Do you have snap or flatpak apps installed ?