In the edit dialog of an aqbanking user I can select TAN methods in the HBCI settings, which aqbanking itself lists as unavailable (for unknown reasons), e.g. "913 - chipTAN manuell HHD1.4 (Version 6)". % aqhbci-tool4 listitanmodes --user=1 TAN Methods - 6910 (F910/V6/P2): HHD1.3.2OPT (chipTAN optisch HHD1.3.2) ZKA-ID=HHDOPT1 [available] - 6911 (F911/V6/P2): HHD1.3.2 (chipTAN manuell HHD1.3.2) ZKA-ID=HHD [available] - 6912 (F912/V6/P2): HHD1.4OPT (chipTAN optisch HHD1.4) ZKA-ID=HHDOPT1 [not available] - 6913 (F913/V6/P2): HHD1.4 (chipTAN manuell HHD1.4) ZKA-ID=HHD [not available] - 6920 (F920/V6/P2): BestSign (BestSign) ZKA-ID=BestSign [not available] - 6930 (F930/V6/P2): mobileTAN (mobileTAN) ZKA-ID=mobileTAN [available] I think KMyMoney should have those greyed out / made not available there, since I suspect that having selected 6913 before led to unclear errors, because some dialog(s) could not be created. btw: is it possible to find out why the methods are marked as "not available" by aqbanking? Arch Linux, kmymoney 5.1.0-2, aqbanking 6.2.5-1, gwenhywfar 5.4.1-1
This is an upstream problem of AqBanking. Please report/ask upstream. Here you can find some information on howto do that:
> This is an upstream problem of AqBanking. Because the entire dialog is coming from there?
Yes, this is the reason. These dialogs are just embedded into KMyMoney.