Bug 429503 - Ambiguous keyboard shortcut shown in the help message that appears in the status bar while edit shapes tool is active
Summary: Ambiguous keyboard shortcut shown in the help message that appears in the sta...
Alias: None
Product: krita
Classification: Applications
Component: Tools/Vector (show other bugs)
Version: 5.2.6
Platform: Other Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Krita Bugs
Depends on:
Reported: 2020-11-22 14:04 UTC by Raghavendra kamath
Modified: 2025-01-07 13:33 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Short Text 1 (3.06 KB, image/png)
2020-11-23 09:21 UTC, Ahab Greybeard
Short Text 2 (2.85 KB, image/png)
2020-11-23 09:22 UTC, Ahab Greybeard

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Description Raghavendra kamath 2020-11-22 14:04:01 UTC
When the edit shapes tool is active and the user is editing the nodes and path segment of the vector shape, Krita shows some nice text to help the user understand the usage of the tool. This is really welcome. However two shortcuts shown in the messages are wrong. 

When you select a path segment, the status bar shows "Press B to break path at selected segment" However when the user presses B the tool is changed to brush tool. 

Similarly when the user hovers over a node the message says
"Drag to move point. Shift click to change point type". While moving works as expected Shift clicking to change the point type doesn't work.

There may be other such messages I will update this bug report when I encounter more.
Comment 1 Ahab Greybeard 2020-11-23 09:21:58 UTC
Created attachment 133579 [details]
Short Text 1

I only see a partial 'text tip' (see attached screenshots) but this may be due to my 1280 x 1024 monitor or other factors.

It's Ctrl+B that breaks a path or splits at a point/node.
This may be some kind of local-shortcut because Ctrl+B has other uses in the listed keyboard shortcuts.

I find that Shift+click is used to add a point to existing selected points.
This is the same convention as used in the Select Shapes tool for selecting shapes and adding a shape to a selection.

It is confusing and it would be useful if any local-shortcuts could be displayed as tooltips in the Tool Options docker.
Comment 2 Ahab Greybeard 2020-11-23 09:22:23 UTC
Created attachment 133580 [details]
Short Text 2
Comment 3 Raghavendra kamath 2020-11-23 09:59:56 UTC
> It is confusing and it would be useful if any local-shortcuts could be displayed as tooltips in the Tool Options docker.

The status bar message works this way in GIMP and I think other apps too. So in my opinion that is correct place, May be it needs to be more separated and thought through. Anyway that is for another bug report to discuss I think.

Here either we should correct the messages or hide them altogether since not all tools have these messages.
Comment 4 Ahab Greybeard 2020-11-23 10:18:47 UTC
I'm not suggesting that the entire text should be displayed in the Tool Options docker.
My thought was that the 'shortcut' could be displayed along with the function tooltip for the icon in the Tool Options docker.

e.g. Just as the icon for the Freehand Brush Tool has the tooltip: "Freehand Brush Tool (B)", the icons in the Tool Options docker for Edit Shapes could have the tooltips "Break at Point (Ctrl+B)" and "Break at Segment (Ctrl+B)".

This does need discussion in a different forum or maybe a separate Wishlist bug report.

Setting to Confirmed, as I should have done initially.
Comment 5 Vitamorus 2024-11-14 08:05:48 UTC
Re-confirmed for 5.2.6.
As Ahab pointed out, this requires some discussion about the course of action. 

First off, it's probably not a good idea to have descriptions with "hard coded" shortcuts (e.g. "Press B to break path at selected segments"), which isn't even the default shortcut in Krita because it collides with the shortcut for the Freehand Brush tool.

Second, either the default shortcut scheme needs to be rethought (relatively easy) and/or the way Krita handles shortcuts needs to be reworked to allowed for different tools/layers/"modes" to have separate shortcut schemes (bigger project, perhaps limited by Qt?).
Comment 6 Dmitry Kazakov 2024-12-13 14:25:39 UTC
Git commit 228b8fbf9b9d2a34f331d179bdbdf1094742539b by Dmitry Kazakov.
Committed on 13/12/2024 at 14:25.
Pushed by dkazakov into branch 'master'.

Fix ambiguous "break path" shortcut in Shape Edit Tool

Now the default shortcut for this action is Ctrl+B (and the
status test shows it correctly)

Please note that there is a theoretical conflict with a global
shortcut Ctrl+B that opens color balance filter, though it does
never happen in real life, because "Break path at selection"
shortcut activates **only** when shape editing too is activated
(it is a non-global tool-level shortcut).

M  +10   -0    krita/data/actions/PathTool.action
M  +29   -10   libs/flake/tools/KoPathTool.cpp
M  +2    -0    libs/flake/tools/KoPathTool.h
M  +2    -0    libs/flake/tools/KoPathToolFactory.cpp

Comment 7 Halla Rempt 2025-01-07 13:33:53 UTC
Git commit cdd51907163f9519d99a16d61db9de8105a6896d by Halla Rempt, on behalf of Dmitry Kazakov.
Committed on 07/01/2025 at 13:31.
Pushed by rempt into branch 'krita/5.2'.

Fix ambiguous "break path" shortcut in Shape Edit Tool

Now the default shortcut for this action is Ctrl+B (and the
status test shows it correctly)

Please note that there is a theoretical conflict with a global
shortcut Ctrl+B that opens color balance filter, though it does
never happen in real life, because "Break path at selection"
shortcut activates **only** when shape editing too is activated
(it is a non-global tool-level shortcut).
(cherry picked from commit 228b8fbf9b9d2a34f331d179bdbdf1094742539b)

M  +10   -0    krita/data/actions/PathTool.action
M  +29   -10   libs/flake/tools/KoPathTool.cpp
M  +2    -0    libs/flake/tools/KoPathTool.h
M  +2    -0    libs/flake/tools/KoPathToolFactory.cpp
