Would you like to support additional attributes on various object levels? * document * layer * group * element I imagine that there can be more useful settings from external applications.
What do you mean by object attributes? Do you mean something like bug 406763 or bug 390946 or bug 406764? Also, especially for bigger wishes like the one you're asking, where it's not clear which behaviour would be best for the workflow, first please read: https://docs.krita.org/en/untranslatable_pages/new_features.html carefully, note that you should state the workflow you're using where it will be needed/useful, and then after you think about all that, please make a post on krita-artists.org to start a discussion with other artists first.
(In reply to Tymond from comment #1) > What do you mean by object attributes? It will be useful to work with other software applications by the way of storing additional data like network identifiers, product or article numbers. I guess that such values might not be storable as further XML attributes for usual SVG elements. But the specification provides a way for storing such information into a standardised XML element “metadata”. https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/metadata.html#Introduction > Do you mean something like …? Related ideas. How will such information be represented together with the object properties in the graphical user interface?