After a bit of help on IRC, `wrn` was able to build Krita from source for Raspberry Pi 4 after some changes to the source. They also posted their experience [1]. It would be nice if Krita can fix its build issues and re-enable the flatpak arm/aarch64 builds and other distro packages. I also have a few extra notes and questions: - Do *not* assume that ARM only has OpenGL ES available. Incidentally, Debian on Aarch64 builds Qt with desktop OpenGL support (see also QTBUG-72128 [2] and the mailing list thread linked in the comments). Therefore, any checks should rely on Qt's defines and not the target ARCH. - Why would Krita need to set `QT_OPENGL_ES_3` (also related to Android)? Surely it is supposed to be set by Qt as part of its configure option/checks? - Can we eliminate the need of its `HAS_ONLY_OPENGL_ES` define and just rely on Qt's defines? From what I gathered if `QT_OPENGL_ES` is defined that means the Qt build is configured for OpenGL ES only (dynamic OpenGL, i.e. ANGLE, should not have it defined). - OCIO needs OpenGL, but I thought it can also be used with OpenGL ES (otherwise it wouldn't work with ANGLE)? [1]: [2]:
Hello I am 'wrn' on freenode - I just tested to rebuild without add_definitions(-DQT_OPENGL_ES_3) in libs/ui/CMakeLists.txt It builds and runs fine , so that was not needed. I will be very happy to help with testing if anyone picks this up.
Looks like this is actually a duplicate of bug 421136 so I'm marking it as such. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 421136 ***