Previously you could drag-n-drop files from kmail attachments to konsole. This was an amazingly useful feature, now it just drags the filename. Sure I can use this but it's retrograde faff that I don't see the point of.
I think it was before akonadi support no ?
I'm not sure what the question means exactly but this worked in kubuntu 18.04 just fine and that was alongside akonadi. I think it is a relatively recent change and not a relic of an ancient version...
so it was a feature from konsole not kmail. Kmail all the time add file info not data. So perhaps konsole interpreted url as data but kmail didn't change something. So in past what konsole did with a pdf attachment ?
Previously following a drag and drop operation the file was copy to the current working direction of the shell it was dropped in
(In reply to davidblunkett from comment #4) > Previously following a drag and drop operation the file was copy to the > current working direction of the shell it was dropped in you drop on konsole => konsole make copy not kmail. So if it doesn't work it's a konsole bug not a kmail bug.
it's not a kmail bug
Ok so it's a konsole bug, reopening in konsole