SUMMARY I have digikam installed on my macOS. It is however not treated as a real application in the sense that I cannot open (or even find it) using Spotlight ("Cmd + Space" > "digikam" gives no results). I have the feeling that this might be due to the fact that the application in not installed in `/Applications` as is customary if not obligatory in macOS, but in `/opt/digikam/Applications/digiKam/` with a link in `/Applications`. Can I correct this by reinstalling? How can I uninstall? STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. Installed using installer and only defaults. OBSERVED RESULT Installation folder `/opt/digikam/Applications/digiKam/` EXPECTED RESULT Installation folder `/Applications` SOFTWARE/OS VERSIONS macOS: 10.15.6 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
Right. digiKam is stored at /opt/digikam, as it's not yet relocatable on disk. I have some code to test for this purpose... Gilles Caulier
Git commit 6d3b5721435b1bba1799cf490bab0f1689103d82 by Gilles Caulier. Committed on 24/12/2020 at 06:05. Pushed by cgilles into branch 'master'. Make MacOS PKG bundle binaries contents rellocable. All .dylib, .so, and execytable are now patched to be RPATH compliant Installer is not yet fixed to support this feature, but at least, we can run digiKam target executable from everywhere without to install it at a specific place (aka /opt/digikam). Related: bug 417100 M +10 -8 project/bundles/macports/ M +9 -9 project/bundles/macports/README M +11 -19 project/bundles/macports/ M +1 -1 project/bundles/macports/ M +39 -5 project/bundles/macports/installer/digikam.pkgproj
Git commit e063117bfe3623a5165ae1818780b55af2d6073f by Gilles Caulier. Committed on 24/12/2020 at 10:19. Pushed by cgilles into branch 'master'. Next stage to build MacOS PKG as relocate bundle in /Applications M +9 -9 project/bundles/macports/ M +3 -0 project/bundles/macports/ M +8 -8 project/bundles/macports/installer/digikam.pkgproj
Git commit 93e354ff37a8ab63cfdde2d8e228603097fe3efe by Gilles Caulier. Committed on 25/12/2020 at 09:11. Pushed by cgilles into branch 'master'. MacOS relocable application bundle stage 2: cleanup applet build, fix install paths in bundle, and disable post install operation (not necessary now) M +24 -22 project/bundles/macports/ M +32 -0 project/bundles/macports/installer/digikam.pkgproj
Git commit 057819708d6bec7674c0a1c08117d172eaf5e6dc by Gilles Caulier. Committed on 25/12/2020 at 11:36. Pushed by cgilles into branch 'master'. Relocate MacOS bundle : last stage to finalize file places in bundle. Need to test in target computers. M +34 -7 project/bundles/macports/
Git commit 88f3972f91b1869ac4a70a95603a55d43ebded88 by Gilles Caulier. Committed on 25/12/2020 at 16:46. Pushed by cgilles into branch 'master'. Relocatable MacOS bundle: use relative paths to make symlinks to shared files between digiKAm and showfoto containers M +18 -18 project/bundles/macports/ M +1 -1 project/bundles/macports/README M +2 -2 project/bundles/macports/ M +1 -1 project/bundles/macports/ M +0 -96 project/bundles/macports/installer/digikam.pkgproj
Git commit c56320f900e1dc9196fcf17376a02c1fe79eb51d by Gilles Caulier. Committed on 26/12/2020 at 15:38. Pushed by cgilles into branch 'master'. MacOS relocatable bundle start to run, but need more optimizations M +18 -24 project/bundles/macports/
Git commit 27ff1d57ff44370051c2dbf4b2ed6270dd60015b by Gilles Caulier. Committed on 27/12/2020 at 06:45. Pushed by cgilles into branch 'master'. MacOS relocable bundle: for PKG debug version, do not patch dSYM extension binary files. Remove rules to handle dSYM file name extension "_debug" which do not exists anymore M +6 -11 project/bundles/macports/ M +4 -1 project/bundles/macports/ M +1 -1 project/bundles/macports/
Git commit 87b64600aea21fc8dcc36dceda9db6967f4303f0 by Gilles Caulier. Committed on 27/12/2020 at 07:07. Pushed by cgilles into branch 'master'. Ignore plugin debug extesion under MacOS M +2 -1 core/libs/dplugins/setup/dpluginloader_p.cpp
Git commit bffd4ae3c2c56d54489378e232dc4665e336ad53 by Gilles Caulier. Committed on 27/12/2020 at 12:43. Pushed by cgilles into branch 'master'. Update structure description of relocable MacOS bundle M +64 -65 project/bundles/macports/README
Git commit 6b15862b4d61ccd50eae85e3708143513a9f6cd1 by Gilles Caulier. Committed on 27/12/2020 at 16:29. Pushed by cgilles into branch 'master'. Relocatable MAcOS bundle: remove unecessary header files M +10 -0 project/bundles/macports/ M +1 -1 project/bundles/macports/
Git commit c72f9e60e2a0142ee381674729acdb62a726b85f by Gilles Caulier. Committed on 27/12/2020 at 17:26. Pushed by cgilles into branch 'master'. MacoOS relocatable bundles: use instead digiKam to host digikam and showfoto sub application container in MAcOS application laucher. This will permit to show also showfoto as new application in root view of Lauchpad, and now only digikam. FIXED-IN: 7.2.0 M +1 -1 project/bundles/macports/README M +1 -1 project/bundles/macports/ M +3 -3 project/bundles/macports/installer/digikam.pkgproj