SUMMARY In the AppImage for 4.4.0-alpha (git c00326b), the 'Tool Options' docker shows controls for transforming pattern fill. However, vector shapes are not affected by these parameters. STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. Create a document. Create a vector layer. 2. Select the rectangle tool (or any other shape tool) 3. In the 'Tool Options', set Fill to 'Pattern' and tweak 'Pattern Transform' parameters 4. Create a shape on the canvas OBSERVED RESULT The fill of the shape is not affected by the transform parameters. EXPECTED RESULT Either the transform parameters affect the vector shape, or the 'Pattern Transform' section is hidden for vector layers.
Yes, that is correct, and that's also because vector patterns are incomplete(the ones on the fill layer are incorrect, even). I do not know how to hide the pattern transform options for vector layers.
I think the bug is "fixed" now: there is just no "pattern" button in the vector's tool options :)