SUMMARY Can someone fix Windows nightlies? On some enterprise machines Microsoft Store is disabled, therefore only option was Unfortunately the latest succesful build is #459 (Jul 22, 2020 9:34 PM). Thanks! SOFTWARE/OS VERSIONS Windows: Windows 10 Enterprise (1909, 64-bit)
Windows people, any idea of what's wrong? Is it failing because of? error: patch failed: shell/main.cpp:37 23:34:31 error: shell/main.cpp: patch does not apply ?
It is likely the Breeze patch at needs to be updated to correct this.
I don't think the build failing is due to the outdated patch. It fails due to link errors: 21:35:48 annots.cpp.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __cdecl Okular::Annotation::Revision::Revision(void)" (??0Revision@Annotation@Okular@@QEAA@XZ) referenced in function "class Okular::Annotation * __cdecl createAnnotationFromPopplerAnnotation(class Poppler::Annotation *,class Poppler::Page const &,bool *)" (?createAnnotationFromPopplerAnnotation@@YAPEAVAnnotation@Okular@@PEAV1Poppler@@AEBVPage@3@PEA_N@Z) ...
Git commit 25984bb2bba893c903176d47ce4698f90f1b9f88 by Christoph Cullmann. Committed on 10/09/2020 at 18:51. Pushed by cullmann into branch 'master'. add missing export to class M +1 -1 core/annotations.h
I think the missing export was the issue. The breeze patch can be removed as soon as no older versions are supported in craft, that it fails is no issue, it just fails as master has the patch already.
I scheduled a new build => did succeed
Thank you! It works fine! And the "Quick Annotations" -> "Freehand Line" works fine too :-)