Bug 426327 - Overriding Default Media Player Does Not Work
Summary: Overriding Default Media Player Does Not Work
Alias: None
Product: digikam
Classification: Applications
Component: Thumbs-Video (show other bugs)
Version: 7.1.0
Platform: Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Digikam Developers
Depends on:
Reported: 2020-09-09 03:46 UTC by kev070892
Modified: 2021-05-08 04:36 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:
Latest Commit:
Version Fixed In: 7.3.0
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Description kev070892 2020-09-09 03:46:05 UTC
In the Q&A section of Digikam's website, it says the following under section "How can I change the default video player ?"
> You can call an extra video player by the Open With contex menu entry
This does work, however even if you click "always open this filetype with this program", Digikam will not remember your choice and will again try to open the file with its embedded QtAV video player.

There does not seem to be a way to have Digikam ALWAYS open video files with an external player. This is important as the current embedded player may not properly play all filetypes. In my case, there is severe framerate lag and sound issues with many popular filetypes.

1. Right click a video file in Digikam.
2. Select "Open With" context file menu option.
3. Windows Prompt "How do you want to open this file?" appears.
4. Toggle "Always use this app to open .___ files" (where ___ is the extension of the file)
5. Select your prefered external media player (e.g. VLC Media Player, Potplayer)
5. Digikam properly opens the file in an external media player.
6. Close the external media player.
7. Double click the same video file in Digikam as in step #1.
8. Observe that Digikam opens the file using its embeded QtAV video player instead of the specified external media player which was set in step #5.

Digikam seems to be unable to remember the preference to open an external media player for video files when set through the "Open With" context menu option.

Digikam should open video files through an external player if the preference was set during the "Open With" context menu option.

Windows: 10

Comment 1 Maik Qualmann 2020-09-09 06:45:14 UTC
A double click under Windows always opens digiKam's internal player, this is intentional. You can call up your default application with ALT + double click.

Comment 2 kev070892 2020-09-09 06:47:11 UTC
(In reply to Maik Qualmann from comment #1)
> A double click under Windows always opens digiKam's internal player, this is
> intentional. You can call up your default application with ALT + double
> click.
> Maik

Surely there must be a way to override this behavior?
Comment 3 Maik Qualmann 2020-09-09 07:06:13 UTC
It is intended to call up the set system application with the ALT key. Otherwise we have to improve the internal player. Incidentally, I have no problems with any of my video files.

Comment 4 Maik Qualmann 2020-09-10 11:05:43 UTC
In the digiKam settings under View you can also specify that the standard application is always used when opening. However, that would also affect images.

Comment 5 caulier.gilles 2021-05-08 04:36:13 UTC
Git commit 0ed3ec7f1f92c8a07ce252f2c20be22fb473976b by Gilles Caulier.
Committed on 08/05/2021 at 04:33.
Pushed by cgilles into branch 'dev'.

fix details about embeded QtAV player and external video players selection in FAQ.
FIXED-IN: 7.3.0

M  +6    -26   content/documentation/FAQ.md
