SUMMARY When a Rotate effect is set with 2 linear keyframe, hasardous rotation is set after last keyframe. STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. Create a new empty project, with 1 color clip moved to timeline. 2. Add a Rotate effect. Keep 1st keyframe to 0 X rotation and add a 2nd keyframe somewhere with 300 X rotation. 3. Look at rotate effect along the color clip (between 2 keyframes, and after last one). OBSERVED RESULT o1: Rotation is correct between keyframes. o2: Rotation is still moving after last keyframe. EXPECTED RESULT r2: Rotation should be static after last keyframe. SOFTWARE/OS VERSIONS Linux/KDE Plasma: Ubuntu Studio 20.04 + kdenlive stable PPA 20.08.0. MLT version 6.23.0 KDE Frameworks 5.71.0 Qt 5.14.1 (construit sur 5.14.1) Le système de fenêtres xcb Same problem with kdenlive-20.08.0-x86_64.appimage ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Workaround: set a 3rd keyframe at end of clip with same rotation parameters than 2nd one.
Git commit 7a9a9a03bacd53f843a43d9a8485c4a2bc46ab6b by Jean-Baptiste Mardelle. Committed on 07/04/2021 at 12:38. Pushed by mardelle into branch 'release/21.04'. Fix rotation behaving in unexpected way (automatically repeating) M +6 -0 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml M +7 -3 data/transitions/affine.xml