Created attachment 130687 [details] comparison of bzip icons SUMMARY See the attached image: For size 32 the icon is instead a different colour (the application-x-tar colour/icon). STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. Open Dolphin 2. Navigate to /usr/share/icons/breeze/mimetypes/ 3. Search for bzip to compare icons OBSERVED RESULT The size 32 bzip icon is an incorrect colour. EXPECTED RESULT The size 32 bzip icon is the correct colour.
I can see what you mean while I look at the Dolphin preview or open it in Gwenview, but when when I open the icon up in Inkscape, It looks correct! Seems like a case of the Qt SVG renderer mis-rendering the icon. Running it through `scour` per seems to fix it.
Git commit 6c9c1e76d7ae35aa9c30604ca2de069f9b15c335 by Nate Graham. Committed on 07/08/2020 at 15:48. Pushed by ngraham into branch 'master'. Run application-x-bzip-compressed-tar through `scour` This fixes a problem of the Qt SVG renderer mis-rendering it with the wrong color. Also we try to keep our icons scoured anyway, so that needed to happen regardless. FIXED-IN: 5.74 M +14 -160 icons-dark/mimetypes/32/application-x-bzip-compressed-tar.svg M +14 -160 icons/mimetypes/32/application-x-bzip-compressed-tar.svg