Created attachment 130496 [details] Corners + Rotoscoping crash test file UMMARY When adding a Rotoscoping effect under a Corners effect, Kdenlive crashes when I try to move a handle of the roto's shape. STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. from a new blank project, add any 2 clips (e.g. 2 color clips, one black, one white) 2. stack them on top of each other in the timeline 3. add a Corners effect to the top one 4. move its handles 5. add a Rotoscoping effect on the same clip 6. add some handles and right-click to confirm (Kdenlive may already crash) 7. move the playhead 8. add a keyframe to the Rotoscoping 9. try to move a handle By now Kdenlive should have crashed. If not, add some more keyframes and edit the shape. Attached to this report is a simple file that crashes after I move the playhead and try to edit the roto's shape in the existing keyframe. SOFTWARE/OS VERSIONS Kdenlive Appimage 20.04.1b Linux/KDE Plasma: manjaro KDE KDE Plasma Version: 5.19.3 KDE Frameworks Version: 5.72.2 Qt Version: 5.15.0 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION also tested on Debian 10.3 XFCE with the same appimage.
as a side note to anyone looking for a workaround : having the 2 effects separated in 2 clips and using an "Alpha on Top" composition gives the same result while preventing the crash.
Please try with the Kdenlive_Nightly_Appimage WARNING: This version has a new project type that is not backwards compatible... so you won't be able to use older versions to open new files.
I just tried with both the new stable release 20.08 appimage and today's nightly appimage (aug 22, kdenlive 20.11.70-48b183a) and found no difference. It stills crashes when I follow the steps I wrote above.
Created attachment 131100 [details] corners+rotoscoping_crashlog Crash confirmed as you descript. Attached the crashlog I got on Windows.
Created attachment 136471 [details] gdb log
Git commit 7ad1d88606286bee0488b07849af48b2e5ea4727 by Jean-Baptiste Mardelle. Committed on 12/03/2021 at 09:28. Pushed by mardelle into branch 'master'. Fix active effect mess, resulting in incorrect monitor connection and crash Related to #973 M +8 -5 src/assets/view/widgets/keyframewidget.cpp M +31 -42 src/effects/effectstack/model/effectstackmodel.cpp M +2 -0 src/effects/effectstack/model/effectstackmodel.hpp M +3 -4 src/effects/effectstack/view/collapsibleeffectview.cpp M +1 -1 src/effects/effectstack/view/collapsibleeffectview.hpp M +25 -52 src/effects/effectstack/view/effectstackview.cpp M +0 -2 src/effects/effectstack/view/effectstackview.hpp M +0 -2 src/monitor/view/kdenlivemonitorcornerscene.qml
Can't reproduce. Thanks for your report caetano and thanks for the fix jb.
Crash is solved but I get a strange rotoscope shape: