Bug 423925 - Text Tool should remember last used settings
Summary: Text Tool should remember last used settings
Alias: None
Product: krita
Classification: Applications
Component: Tool/Text (show other bugs)
Version: 4.3.0
Platform: Other Other
: NOR wishlist
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Krita Bugs
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Reported: 2020-07-06 10:37 UTC by Bollebib
Modified: 2020-12-11 01:06 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Description Bollebib 2020-07-06 10:37:29 UTC
its very annoying to work with the text tool and constantly having to redo the same settings over and over.

There should be a way to store settings or even store some text to reuse easily (like a signature)

Remembering either the last used settings or manually store a few slots would be nice
Comment 1 David REVOY 2020-07-06 10:54:23 UTC
Hey @Bollebib ; if you select the Text tool and go to the tool option; you'll see here your default setting to create new text (and you can edit it). 

Right now it is a single-preset option, I agree more would be welcome :-) I'm not really in favor of "last used settings" because I often use the Text tools for various task (big title, then small signature, then quick disclaimer small font) and it wouldn't work well for my workflow.
Comment 2 Bollebib 2020-07-06 11:02:32 UTC
@David Revoy that is why having a reset button or a manual save as i also discussed would be good too.

But thank you for telling me about the tool settings,i did not know about this

it slightly helps
Comment 3 Tiar 2020-09-15 16:01:12 UTC
So I guess the proper title for this wish should be: "Presets for text tool options"?

@David would it be good enough if you would just save a vector library with your presets and drag&drop them from the Vector Libraries docker to the page? That would require the least development time and I think that could be good enough because you would *see* the effects already in the docker.

(There is however a problem I noticed that right now you wouldn't be able to edit text, but there is a workaround - right-click -> Ungroup; and I will report it and maybe fix soon).

So my proposed solution would be:
- use Vector Libraries for presets like title, subtitle, shouting, whispering etc.
- an option in Tool Options:
    ( ) Create text with last text options
    ( ) Create text with those options: ... [which is already in Tool Options]

Would that be a good solution?
Comment 4 Bollebib 2020-09-16 00:26:42 UTC
(In reply to Tymond from comment #3)
> So I guess the proper title for this wish should be: "Presets for text tool
> options"?
> @David would it be good enough if you would just save a vector library with
> your presets and drag&drop them from the Vector Libraries docker to the
> page? That would require the least development time and I think that could
> be good enough because you would *see* the effects already in the docker.
> (There is however a problem I noticed that right now you wouldn't be able to
> edit text, but there is a workaround - right-click -> Ungroup; and I will
> report it and maybe fix soon).
> So my proposed solution would be:
> - use Vector Libraries for presets like title, subtitle, shouting,
> whispering etc.
> - an option in Tool Options:
>     ( ) Create text with last text options
>     ( ) Create text with those options: ... [which is already in Tool
> Options]
> Would that be a good solution?

 yes that would be nice
Comment 5 David REVOY 2020-09-16 08:30:51 UTC
@Tymond: Hi! On a technical point of view; vector library sounds like the right tool to use. 

About usability, it's a lot of work to make a feature fluid to use: 

1. The 'auto-ungroup' to edit the text quicker sounds also productive; *but* might also be an issue for other SVGs objects if this one is apllied to everything. In fact, I think many items in the library work better grouped while being inserted (eg: vector object made of many shapes). I don't know how to solve that, maybe a "auto ungroup on isertion" checkbox in the 'Vector Library' panel? I'm not happy about it: it adds another option and doesn't sounds very smart. Maybe there is a way for the 'Vector Library' action of inserting to detect "single object" and auto-ungroup in only this case? Grouping a single text/shape/object sounds wrong in all the cases...

2. For calling the preset: I'm rarely happy whenever I need to call a special docker to perform an action. It's fine in case a user wants to set a workspace with it for repeated intensive task with the vector libraries; but for 1 or 2 vector shape each time I do a presentation, I wish I could insert them from -let imagine- the tool option of the "Select Shape Tool". Something quick.

3. For creating text presets: Krita can't yet add new symbol to vector library. User will have to switch to Inkscape and deal with symbol creation under Inkscape. Honnestly; that's really not an effort I might go into for three or four text presets because simply rebuilding them on the fly sounds a less big investment on time. Another solution: put the preset on a SVG in Inkscape (if this one is required anyway); and instead to open a "vector library" docker; open Inkscape and a SVG containing the text then copy/paste them into Krita.
Comment 6 Tiar 2020-09-16 13:03:43 UTC
I submitted a bug report for issue 1: bug 423925
For 2. and 3., you're right, especially 3. is a blocker for this workflow.
I wonder if having it possible to (1) add shapes to vector library, and (2) have a vector libraries docker kinda inside Tool Options for the Select Shapes tool would fix that, or do we need a new resource type?
Comment 7 David REVOY 2020-09-16 17:26:33 UTC
That could fix it, sure and be also interesting because SVG libraries have a lot to offer (eg. Text with SVG filters on them for onomatopia, preset of gradient on fonts, custom dashed stroke effect, etc... ).
Comment 8 Tiar 2020-12-11 01:06:23 UTC
There is a relevant MR for tool options presets: https://invent.kde.org/graphics/krita/-/merge_requests/559, which would help with titles/headers/normal text etc. issue. However that would also call another docker since it looks like Tool Options Presets is in a different one than Tool Options.

Will this be a good solution for the problem?