Edge detection filter is acting not as expected then its radius is set to anything above 5.66. 1) Create a new image 2) Create a empty layer 3) Draw something with Basic-5 Size preset 4) Filter --> Edge Detection --> Edge Detection 5) Default radius is 1.00, the preview image turns black. 6) Set radius to 5.66, the preview image is still working as intended 7) Increase radius to 5.67, the preview image jumps to white.
I can confirm this for the 4.3.0 beta-2 appimage and the 15 Jun 5.0.0 prealpha (git 6dc22af) appimage except for the details as follows: The point at which the preview image jumps to white varies depending on the size of the canvas: 5.67 px at 1024 x 1024 canvas size 11.34 px at 2048 x 2048 canvas size 22.67 px at 4096 x 4096 canvas size
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 413317 ***