Created attachment 129242 [details] a screenshot of the night color icon in the setup system tray dialog. SUMMARY a wrong icon is shown for night color in the "setup system tray" dialog. The icon if the screen setup is used. Instead it should be the same icon as it is on the system tray.
This affects more than just the system tray. I think it's an issue of the Plasma theme and the icon theme having different appearances. We should probably force the icons in the settings UI to use the icons from the Plasma theme, if present. This would mirror the appearance of the tray items, which use the same logic.
System tray settings shows icon defined in the applet metadata, not a current icon of the applet. This is for consistency reason - some applets changes their icon depending on their state, for example Network can show Wifi, cable etc. For Night Color icon is defined in: /usr/share/kservices5/plasma-applet-org.kde.plasma.nightcolorcontrol.desktop > Icon=preferences-desktop-display-nightcolor Such icon does not exist, so the closest possible is loaded: "preferences-desktop-display". This is a problem in Night Color applet, it needs to provide a valid icon.
> This is a problem in Night Color applet, it needs to provide a valid icon. then should this bug be moved to kcm_nightcolor?
Nah, that's the place for bugs affecting the KCM and the feature in general; this bug report is about the applet.
Git commit c63d8862e28c250b78433f49d9417362ef17ddc7 by Nate Graham. Committed on 04/05/2021 at 05:04. Pushed by ngraham into branch 'master'. [applets/nightcolor] Use same icon as will be shown in the tray FIXED-IN: 5.22 M +1 -1 applets/nightcolor/package/metadata.desktop