Created attachment 127870 [details] Screenshot of observed result SUMMARY Timestamp of frame in Project Monitor differs from timeline STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. Open kdenlive, change project settings to FPS 23.98 2. Change scale of timeline to see on what frame is playhead exactly 3. Move playhead somewhere far from begin, for example 15:00:10 OBSERVED RESULT Timestamp of playhead is 15:00:10, timestamp in Project Monitor 15:00:16 EXPECTED RESULT Timestamp in timeline and in Project Monitor should be the same SOFTWARE/OS VERSIONS appimage kdenlive-20.04.0-x86_64 on Debian Stable
I found key mismatch that leads to this bug. For that kind of fps (not integer) Timecode class is using frame dropping, but not like in MLT and apparently not like in timeline. So, the easy way to fix this is to throw away current implementation of Timecode::getTimecodeHH_MM_SS_FF and use the one from MLT (time_smpte_from_frames, mlt_property.c). But I guess in this case timestamps in rendered video will differ from kdenlive.
I think the bug is bigger... the timestamp seems to be fixed on 25fps even if the project is on a different one (50fps for me).
Created attachment 127883 [details] timestamp difference
Created attachment 127884 [details] timestamp difference 2
Git commit eaaecc94a920242d8eaf7a274b66cf781af82c39 by Jean-Baptiste Mardelle. Committed on 26/04/2020 at 15:52. Pushed by mardelle into branch 'release/20.04'. Don't use drop frame timecode for 23.98 M +1 -2 src/monitor/monitor.cpp M +16 -53 src/timecode.cpp M +2 -3 src/timecodedisplay.cpp
Git commit 50032c9b9c2335a003270a44ff0811e90eebbfdb by Jean-Baptiste Mardelle. Committed on 26/04/2020 at 15:54. Pushed by mardelle into branch 'master'. Don't use drop frame timecode for 23.98 M +1 -2 src/monitor/monitor.cpp M +16 -53 src/timecode.cpp M +2 -3 src/timecodedisplay.cpp
My commit should have fixed Valentine's report. You can confirm by testing our daily master AppImage builds: However I could not reproduce Cyril's case. Can you give me more details, like : * Default project format * What exact steps are required to reproduce
Default project format HD 1080p 50 fps Add clip .MTS file from video camera. You can see the problem directly in the clip Monitor. If you put the clip on the timeline, you also see the problem directly. From : " Violet on April 26, 2020 at 2:14 AM I’ve noticed a new bug in this version. I have a 60fps project and 60fps clips, but the project monitor behaves as if everything is 25fps. For example, at 27:25:00 on the timeline, the project monitor claims it is 1:05:48:00."
No news on this one?
Ok, I was able to somehow reproduce the issue, but seems to be only a refresh issue. I need more information from you. On my side, I can see the following: * Default project profile: 1080p 25 fps * Add a 60fps clip * In the project bin, select "Switch" from the "Switch to clip profile message" * Drop the clip in timeline, and I can see the bug (timeline timecode is wrong) * Scroll or zoom the timeline, and the timecode now appears correctly. Please let me know is this is the same issue you are facing or describe precisely how to reproduce. Thanks
No, this is not the same. I think I finally got it... its a problem with the defaults setting. Start kdenlive Settings / Configure kdenlive Project Defaults select HD 1080p 50 fps Apply Quit kdenlive (Loop) Start kdenlive click the "New" button to create a new project In the settings you see you are at HD 1080p 50 fps previously configured, OK Add clip Select a clip in HD 1080p 50 fps format. You see the problem (end loop)
Thanks a lot! I was able to reproduce now with your instructions. Working on it!
Git commit 549f89545ef7fdad94dd0355d74bf2839acb7b99 by Jean-Baptiste Mardelle. Committed on 14/05/2020 at 11:25. Pushed by mardelle into branch 'release/20.04'. Ensure we start with the correct fps when default profile is not 25 fps. M +2 -1 src/core.cpp
This should now be fixed in git (post 20.04.1). I have uploaded an updated AppImage with the fix, I would appreciate if you can test:
Tested your AppImage, it works for me. Thanks
Thank you for the feedback and contribution. Glad to hear it works. We close this bug. If it still appears in the latest version, please feel free to re-open it and update the affected version number.