Kirigami.Cards take significantly longer than before to construct than before. For reference, creating 100 blank cards before e770b0ddd2af7fc861be45044476b4fa062ccc1d takes about 0.5 seconds. With e770b0ddd2af7fc861be45044476b4fa062ccc1d, construction takes 2 seconds. In real world applications, both Kirigami Gallery and Ikona have significant slowdown due to the performance regression of the cards. Ikona is hit especially hard, as what was a previously 0.5 second operation involving cards ends up freezing the application for 15+ seconds.
I'm going to need more information here. I just profiled it and on my machine creating 100 cards without actions takes a total of ~500 ms. Individual cards take ~1.5ms to create, of which most time is spent creating ActionToolBar.
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