SUMMARY Since plasma 5.18 the ability to lock/unlock widgets was hidden. This was done because the widget editing is now different and -allegedly- it's more difficult to misconfigure your widgets, so theoretically the ability to lock widgets is no longer needed to the average user. However in my opinion misconfiguring a "quick launcher" widget is easy, it just takes a wrong right click. STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. Add a quick launcher widget to your panel or desktop. 2. Add a few launchers, let's say firefox, dolphin and konsole. 3. Now let's supose you accidentally press the right button of the mouse over one of the icons. 4. Right after the accidental right click mentioned above, let's supose you also accidentally move the mouse cursor. This allows you to alter the launcher icon position or even move it to the desktop. 5. (Optional) Supose you accidentally move one of the icons to the desktop. Let's say you want to put the icon back in the "quick launcher" widget. If you try to drag & drop this icon from the desktop to the "quick launcher" widget, it wouldn't work. OBSERVED RESULT It just takes a right click + accidental drag to break a "quick launcher" widget. Note that you don't even need to enter the "customize layout" mode to do it. EXPECTED RESULT I would prefer to not define an expected result right now, so maybe we could discuss a different behaviour which makes this "quick launcher" widget more complicated to break. SOFTWARE/OS VERSIONS Linux/KDE Plasma: (available in About System) KDE Plasma Version: KDE Frameworks Version: 5.68 Qt Version: 5.12.7 Related bug/discussion:
Sorry, > Related bug/discussion: > I meant to link this other bug, which has some interesting dicussion about the lock/unlock widgets case:
Hi, I think this bug is related: Well, according to my experience, it's a more than normal importance bug. The effect has a bad effect on user's experience, because sometimes manual entries are done there, so must be re-added. It happens often to my family members to accidentally move some icon. I have noticed it is possible to move a shortcut from a Quicklauncher to another , but it it is dropped on the desktop, there is no way to move it back, so new shortcut must be added again. Other strange behaviour I've got lately is that if some icon sticks to the mouse pointer, an it is dragged over the desktop, but put back instead of dropped there, the shortcut returns on the Quicklauncer, but sometimes a Sticky Note widget is created on the desktop with no less than the clipboard content. It's weird. Operating System: Gentoo Linux KDE Plasma Version: 5.20.4 KDE Frameworks Version: 5.77.0 Qt Version: 5.15.1 Kernel Version: 5.7.0-sabayon OS Type: 64-bit Processors: 8 × Intel® Core™ i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHz Memory: 23,5 GiB of RAM Graphics Processor: GeForce GTX 1060 6GB/PCIe/SSE2