Hello I gave up using google photos export. With over 740 albums, it's absolutely unusable. The connection to google which also loads the list of albums takes around 2 minutes or more, the creation of the new album takes again 2 minutes. At the end of the export, I click on close, I make a new export and I take myself 4 or 5 minutes. For this to be usable, you should be able to activate or deactivate the loading of the album list, even when creating a new album. On the other hand it can be interesting to load this list on request and possibly memorize it. Thank you cordially
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 415365 ***
The Google API returns us a maximum of 100 albums, so we need 7 requests to load all albums. I may be able to improve loading the album list after creating a new album. I don't know yet if I can save the album list. Because album IDs may change. Download IDs for images are only valid for 60 minutes, album IDs may also expire. Please don't always open a new bug for the same problem. Maik