STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. Create image 3000x2000 with some data 2. Start "Split Layer" 3. Use default settings Krita deadlocks. It might be relates to a CPU that has 16 cores. The bug happens both in master and in 4.2.9.
I get this with 4.2.9 but not 4.2.8. using appimages. Progress is slow and stops at 91% complete, with one core at 100% (a 2 x 4-core system). Setting to Confirmed
Hm, I tested with the 4.3 branch and didn't get a deadlock :-(
@Dmitry, Ahab - can you please provide a file that it hangs on? And maybe even a backtrace? Neither boud or confifu can reproduce it.
Created attachment 127201 [details] simple and small range of colours I attach split-test-simple.kra and split-test-complex.kra which are 3000 x 2000 pixels. I also attach small-split-test-simple.kra which is 300 x 200 pixels. With 4.2.9 and with the Apr-01 4.3.0 prealpha git 62b9516 appimages, the large ones lock up with 1 core at 100%. With split-test-simple, the progress goes up rapidly and exponentially to 85% complete before locking up. With split-test-complex, the progress goes up in a similar way to 8% complete before locking up. With small-split-test-simple then 4.2.9 and the 4.3.0 prealpha both quickly split it into a very large number of colour layers. 4.2.8 splits it into only two layers, both called 'Salmon'. This is probably because 4.2.8 has different default settings.
Created attachment 127202 [details] small size, small range of colours
split-test-complex.kra is 6.3 MB and you can download it from here:
Default options have changed for 4.2.9. I got the same behavior with 4.2.8 and 4.2.9 when I changed the options to be the same. For 4.2.8, default options are from top to bottom are (T,F,T,F,T,T,fuzziness = 20). For 4.2.9, default options are (T,F,T,T,T,F, fuzziness = 0). I think this is because, we replaced KisConfig with KisDialogStateSaver in dlg_layersplit.cpp commit f6e7a99de04ebe023af444fc9e1c67d93f8f3a5a. We didn't use any default values in the case of KisDialogStateSaver.
WIth fuzziness = 0, it creates about 37000 layers... It's not hanging, it's simply going overboard! The algorithm to figure out which layer a certain pixel should go into then iterates over all the layers, so for every pixel, we check all created layers in a tight loop.
The default values for layer split options are fixed now: But the problem of making way too many layers without informing the user beforehand is still there.