SUMMARY payees provide a (currently unused) attribute named 'reference', which could be used as additional field for printing a bank transfers form. e.g. for the IBAN. STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. Inspect class MyMoneyPayee OBSERVED RESULT There is a setter/getter for an attribute reference that is loaded from and stored in kmymoney files and sql databases. EXPECTED RESULT What is missing is the addition of this attribute to the payee view, the print check plug-in and the print check sepa template. SOFTWARE/OS VERSIONS Windows: Windows 10 macOS: KDE Frameworks Version: 5.45.0 Qt Version: 5.9.7
Git commit 5aff8183ff9d790a913d5bee0147d76bd544add8 by Ralf Habacker. Committed on 30/03/2020 at 20:32. Pushed by habacker into branch '4.8'. Add reference field to payees and use in print check template sepa_iban_reference.html FIXED-IN:4.8.5 M +4 -1 kmymoney/plugins/printcheck/CMakeLists.txt M +1 -0 kmymoney/plugins/printcheck/printcheck.cpp C +1 -1 kmymoney/plugins/printcheck/sepa_iban_notes.html [from: kmymoney/plugins/printcheck/sepa.html - 098% similarity] R +2 -2 kmymoney/plugins/printcheck/sepa_iban_reference.html [from: kmymoney/plugins/printcheck/sepa.html - 095% similarity] M +6 -0 kmymoney/views/kpayeesview.cpp M +65 -40 kmymoney/views/kpayeesviewdecl.ui
Git commit 525dc8be8fb70b22ce27aea63cffbcabec05c42c by Ralf Habacker. Committed on 30/03/2020 at 20:32. Pushed by habacker into branch '4.8'. Refresh ui file M +47 -10 kmymoney/views/kpayeesviewdecl.ui