When I right-click on Elisa'a new System Tray menu, nothing happens.
Which Qt version are you using ? It looks like that could explain why I am seeing a different result from you.
Hi, I have a similar problem with the system tray context menu. I am using Manjaro and updated to plasma-desktop 5.18.3 recently. For example, when I left click the slack icon, it shows a context menu, but when I right click, it shows 'configure system tray' menu. While for the 'Desktop sticky note', when I right click it indeed show a correct context menu, also left click can open the note correctly. For kmail, right click only shows the 'configure system tray' menu. Right click context menu of system tray icon is important because some app only provide quit function by that context menu. For now if I want to quit those kind of apps, I need to kill it in terminal. I guess this relates to recent updates on system tray widget. More details please look at the screenshots.
Created attachment 127211 [details] Left click on slack shows context menu
Created attachment 127212 [details] Right click on slack shows configure system tray
Created attachment 127213 [details] Right click on notes shows context menu
Created attachment 127214 [details] Right click on kmail shows configure system tray
I'm having the same issue as Junfeng; Right-click on the system tray area only shows the "Configure System Tray..." menu. Left-click on a systray icon sometimes presents a context menu, sometimes not. To get the expected right-click behavior of an individual icon's context menu, I have to L_CTRL+R-Click in order to get the expected menu to present. This can be seen in KDE as well as non-KDE systray applets such as KNotes, pamac-tray-indicator, and Steam's tray indicator as examples.
Context menu opens as expected when I right-click on system tray icon of Elisa 21.04.2 on Arch Linux.
Same here. Can anyone reproduce with the latest versions of things?
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