SUMMARY The cursor, although having trouble finding the correct resolution without selecting it manually, appears as a black box during random time intervals instead of the cursor itself, thus making the usage of the cursor difficult unless it renders back to the selected cursor theme. STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. Using plasma randomly? 2. Selecting title bars? OBSERVED RESULT Displaying black box as a cursor. EXPECTED RESULT Displaying the cursor itself. SOFTWARE/OS VERSIONS Linux/KDE Plasma: 5.5.6. KDE Plasma Version: 5.18.1 KDE Frameworks Version: 5.67.0 Qt Version: 5.14.1
Same issue here.
When hovering over which apps? Please include out of env
For example, always when doing grab-a-window-and-throw-it-upward-to-maximize, cursor turns into a black square and remains like this until you leave the title bar, then it is fixed. env: COLORFGBG=0;15 COLORTERM=truecolor DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:abstract=/tmp/dbus-uApjnIEqPU,guid=1246b1d18b6a39691926c0625e6ca54c DESKTOP_SESSION=/usr/share/wayland-sessions/plasmawayland DISPLAY=:1 GS_LIB=/home/mthw/.fonts HOME=/home/mthw KDED_STARTED_BY_KDEINIT=1 KDE_FULL_SESSION=true KDE_SESSION_UID=1000 KDE_SESSION_VERSION=5 KONSOLE_DBUS_SERVICE=:1.61 KONSOLE_DBUS_SESSION=/Sessions/1 KONSOLE_DBUS_WINDOW=/Windows/1 KONSOLE_VERSION=191203 LANG=sk_SK.UTF-8 LANGUAGE=sk:en_US LOGNAME=mthw MAIL=/var/spool/mail/mthw MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH=/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins OLDPWD=/home/mthw PAM_KWALLET5_LOGIN=/run/user/1000/kwallet5.socket PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/lib/jvm/default/bin:/usr/bin/site_perl:/usr/bin/vendor_perl:/usr/bin/core_perl PLASMA_USE_QT_SCALING=1 PROFILEHOME= PT7HOME=/opt/packettracer/ PWD=/home/mthw QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR=0 QT_DEVICE_PIXEL_RATIO=auto QT_WAYLAND_FORCE_DPI=96 SHELL=/usr/bin/zsh SHELL_SESSION_ID=252a7da99190431ba11145ca39cfdcd4 SHLVL=1 TERM=xterm-256color USER=mthw WAYLAND_DISPLAY=wayland-0 WINDOWID=1 XCURSOR_SIZE=36 XCURSOR_THEME=breeze_cursors XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=KDE XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/1000 XDG_SEAT=seat0 XDG_SEAT_PATH=/org/freedesktop/DisplayManager/Seat0 XDG_SESSION_CLASS=user XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP=KDE XDG_SESSION_ID=5 XDG_SESSION_PATH=/org/freedesktop/DisplayManager/Session3 XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland XDG_VTNR=2 _=/usr/bin/env P9K_TTY=old ZSH=/home/mthw/.oh-my-zsh PAGER=less LESS=-R LSCOLORS=Gxfxcxdxbxegedabagacad LS_COLORS=rs=0:di=01;34:ln=01;36:mh=00:pi=40;33:so=01;35:do=01;35:bd=40;33;01:cd=40;33;01:or=40;31;01:mi=00:su=37;41:sg=30;43:ca=30;41:tw=30;42:ow=34;42:st=37;44:ex=01;32:*.tar=01;31:*.tgz=01;31:*.arc=01;31:*.arj=01;31:*.taz=01;31:*.lha=01;31:*.lz4=01;31:*.lzh=01;31:*.lzma=01;31:*.tlz=01;31:*.txz=01;31:*.tzo=01;31:*.t7z=01;31:*.zip=01;31:*.z=01;31:*.dz=01;31:*.gz=01;31:*.lrz=01;31:*.lz=01;31:*.lzo=01;31:*.xz=01;31:*.zst=01;31:*.tzst=01;31:*.bz2=01;31:*.bz=01;31:*.tbz=01;31:*.tbz2=01;31:*.tz=01;31:*.deb=01;31:*.rpm=01;31:*.jar=01;31:*.war=01;31:*.ear=01;31:*.sar=01;31:*.rar=01;31:*.alz=01;31:*.ace=01;31:*.zoo=01;31:*.cpio=01;31:*.7z=01;31:*.rz=01;31:*.cab=01;31:*.wim=01;31:*.swm=01;31:*.dwm=01;31:*.esd=01;31:*.jpg=01;35:*.jpeg=01;35:*.mjpg=01;35:*.mjpeg=01;35:*.gif=01;35:*.bmp=01;35:*.pbm=01;35:*.pgm=01;35:*.ppm=01;35:*.tga=01;35:*.xbm=01;35:*.xpm=01;35:*.tif=01;35:*.tiff=01;35:*.png=01;35:*.svg=01;35:*.svgz=01;35:*.mng=01;35:*.pcx=01;35:*.mov=01;35:*.mpg=01;35:*.mpeg=01;35:*.m2v=01;35:*.mkv=01;35:*.webm=01;35:*.ogm=01;35:*.mp4=01;35:*.m4v=01;35:*.mp4v=01;35:*.vob=01;35:*.qt=01;35:*.nuv=01;35:*.wmv=01;35:*.asf=01;35:*.rm=01;35:*.rmvb=01;35:*.flc=01;35:*.avi=01;35:*.fli=01;35:*.flv=01;35:*.gl=01;35:*.dl=01;35:*.xcf=01;35:*.xwd=01;35:*.yuv=01;35:*.cgm=01;35:*.emf=01;35:*.ogv=01;35:*.ogx=01;35:*.aac=00;36:*.au=00;36:*.flac=00;36:*.m4a=00;36:*.mid=00;36:*.midi=00;36:*.mka=00;36:*.mp3=00;36:*.mpc=00;36:*.ogg=00;36:*.ra=00;36:*.wav=00;36:*.oga=00;36:*.opus=00;36:*.spx=00;36:*.xspf=00;36: P9K_SSH=0
I can confirm this behaviour on an up to date KDE neon. Additionally I dicovered it can also be triggered by ALT+Tab (Task Switcher - on left side, default settings). If you press it for short time to switch between two applications, everything will be okay. If you press it long to get the listing and switch between the applications it will change the cursor. a) If the target window is Xwayland, the cursor turns into black box for a short time (half a second or so) and then goes back to the correct rendering. b) If the target window is wayland native (Konsole in example), the cursor remains a black box until you touch the title, menu, scroll or another tool bar. Or (default) right click to open the context menu.
Hmm, I am unsure if it might be helpful. I booted my system with the distribution kernel (4.15.0-70-generic) for some reason and it made a difference. Though the changes (in the graphics subsystem) to the current kernel could be too huge to help triage this bug. The cursor is always rendered correctly. If you switch from a Xwayland window to a native one it is in the foreground but "inactive" (no focus). If you switch from native window to XWayland it gets "active" (focus) as expected. If you do not cross the window protocol everything is okay. (I updated KDE from .3 to 5.18.4 yesterday. I suppose this is not the cause...?)
Requested information was provided with comment 3, new information was added with comment 4 and comment 5; changing status for inspection.
I can report the bug is gone. The cursor is now working as expected. It seems to be fixed in September - my best guess. KDE (Neon) is Kernel 5.8, Plasma 5.19.5, Qt 5.15 and KF 5.75.
I am on Arch Linux, Plasma 5.20, kf 5.75, Qt 5.15.1 and the bug is also gone here.
Confirmed by multiple users.
It appears that people are confirming that the bug is gone. I also can't reproduce the issue. Let's call it fixed.
I still see this problem on Plasma 5.22, even though it is "resolved" as fixed. Unfortunately I have not yet identified what triggers it reliably. Operating System: Kubuntu 21.04 KDE Plasma Version: 5.22.5 KDE Frameworks Version: 5.86.0 Qt Version: 5.15.2 Kernel Version: 5.11.0-34-generic (64-bit) Graphics Platform: Wayland Processors: 12 × Intel® Core™ i7-9750H CPU @ 2.60GHz Memory: 31,2 GiB of RAM Graphics Processor: Mesa Intel® UHD Graphics 630