Bug 417886 - Sharing layouts dont work
Summary: Sharing layouts dont work
Alias: None
Product: lattedock
Classification: Plasma
Component: application (show other bugs)
Platform: Gentoo Packages Linux
: VHI critical
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Michail Vourlakos
Depends on:
Reported: 2020-02-19 17:18 UTC by Recesvintvs
Modified: 2020-02-26 06:59 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Latest Commit:
Version Fixed In: 0.9.9
Sentry Crash Report:

Layout configuration (79.42 KB, text/plain)
2020-02-20 15:31 UTC, Recesvintvs
Shared layout (990.63 KB, image/jpeg)
2020-02-20 15:33 UTC, Recesvintvs
Layout configurator (67.71 KB, image/jpeg)
2020-02-20 16:05 UTC, Recesvintvs
L1 layout (1.56 KB, text/plain)
2020-02-20 17:21 UTC, Recesvintvs
L2 layout (1.36 KB, text/plain)
2020-02-20 17:21 UTC, Recesvintvs
Default layout (sorry, I forgot to rename it to english) (4.84 KB, text/plain)
2020-02-20 17:22 UTC, Recesvintvs
Duplicate layout (102.87 KB, image/jpeg)
2020-02-21 23:29 UTC, Recesvintvs
Output for "latte-dock -d" (77.60 KB, text/plain)
2020-02-22 21:31 UTC, Recesvintvs
lattedockrc (419 bytes, text/plain)
2020-02-23 18:20 UTC, Recesvintvs
Default activity (empty) (1.36 MB, image/jpeg)
2020-02-23 19:47 UTC, Recesvintvs
User created activity (correctly using both layouts) (1.37 MB, image/jpeg)
2020-02-23 19:50 UTC, Recesvintvs
Common dock's "ownership" (1.42 MB, image/jpeg)
2020-02-23 20:01 UTC, Recesvintvs
2nd activity/layout's "ownership" (1.52 MB, image/jpeg)
2020-02-23 20:02 UTC, Recesvintvs
Both docks showing the available layouts (2.27 MB, image/png)
2020-02-23 20:21 UTC, Recesvintvs

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Recesvintvs 2020-02-19 17:18:47 UTC

Sharing a layout to have a common dock for all activities dont work. The shared layout just becomes empty.


To be sure that it was not some malfunction in my user's configuration, I created a new user and started a fresh Plasma session.

1. Launch latte/dock 
2. Restart session so the Default layout appears among the available layouts (it doesn't until I relog in)*
3. Create two new activities.
4. Create two new layouts, without anything special, I just followed the default steps and dafault values in the default Layouts->Configure dialog window, and apply the changes.
5. Switch from the Default layout to one of the new layouts -lets call it "New Layout 1"-.
6. Add a new dock in that New Layout 1. This dock will be present in all the activities.
7. Go back to the Configure layout window and tell that New Layout 1 is applied only to the activity, lets call it, "New Activity 1". Apply the changes.
8. The recently created dock is, unexpectedly, still present in all the activities, so, restart Plasma session so changes are applied.
9. Now the dock that belongs to New Layout 1 that is assigned to New Activity 1 only stands in the correct activity and not in the rest. Ok, so far so good with just minor annoyances.
10. Now switch to the Default layout if you are not there already.
11. Create a new dock, and to make it better identifiable for this test, place it at the top border of the screen, or one side or do whatever you want to not confuse it with the other dock created before.
12. Open the layouts configuration tool and activate the «Multiple» thing. Then click to mark the Default layout and then click on the button to share it and select New Activity 1 and New Activity 2 and all the new test activities you want to test the sharing feature. Apply and rstart session to apply changes.


Once I relog in, the Default layout dock, that one that should stand at the top border, has disappeared. Instead of being present in all the activities it isnt present in any, not even the Default activity where I created it. The other layouts are ok, only the shared one is missing


The layout should be sared with the other activities so there should be a common dock for all of them.

Plasma 5.18.1, KF 5.67 on Gentoo no multilib (64 bits libraries only)

As an appendix, I'd add that:
a) If I try and reopen the layouts config windows, and go back to single mode, and even I especifically set that the Default layout be only applied to the Default activity, nothing changes even restarting the session. It seems that the docks I could have created for that layout were just vanished.
b) So, I tried and reshare the Default layout with the other two, and added a new dock for that Default layout, that is once again sahred with the other manually created layouts. But the new dock is now only prsent in the Default layout/activity, also after restarting session, like if the share button didnt have any effect.

* Shouldn't be a warning message to advise the users that they must restart the session to apply the changes?

BTW, when using Multiple layouts and switching activities, the screen message "Switching to NameofActivity" doesnt appear anymore. Don't know if this is an intended behavior or a bug. If it's intended, I think that changing bahavior is confusing.
Comment 1 Michail Vourlakos 2020-02-19 18:32:41 UTC
1. You may have to try the git version if you have the same issues
2. Show me a screenshot of your Layouts Editor when you have configured your layouts and all your activities in interest are running
3. Show me a screenshot of your Activities and explain me which one should be the Shared Dock and which is not
Comment 2 Recesvintvs 2020-02-20 15:30:16 UTC
Ok, after rereading my report I understand it's a bit confusing, also I made a copule of mistakes in my description (I was a bit dense after trying every tweak I was able to imagine 😅 ). So, lets see if I can explain myself better with the help of screenshot, as you ask:

This is my layout editor once everithing is configured:
Comment 3 Recesvintvs 2020-02-20 15:31:52 UTC
Created attachment 126215 [details]
Layout configuration
Comment 4 Recesvintvs 2020-02-20 15:32:17 UTC
And this below is the default activity with the default layout and the dock I want all the activities to have:
Comment 5 Recesvintvs 2020-02-20 15:33:52 UTC
Created attachment 126216 [details]
Shared layout
Comment 6 Recesvintvs 2020-02-20 15:35:31 UTC
But is the final result:

- Activity 1 (Layout 1):
Comment 7 Recesvintvs 2020-02-20 15:48:02 UTC
This crappy forum app has stopped permitting me to upload the rest of the screenshots you asked. This site should move to Discourse?
Ok, I'm trying to upload to other server and share the link here.
Comment 8 Recesvintvs 2020-02-20 15:53:42 UTC
I hope this works. It's the Activity 1 with the Layout 1:

<a href="https://ibb.co/7XqnXw7"><img src="https://i.ibb.co/7XqnXw7/A1.jpg" alt="A1" border="0"></a> <a href="https://ibb.co/pLSDT32"><img src="https://i.ibb.co/pLSDT32/A2.jpg" alt="A2" border="0"></a>
Comment 9 Recesvintvs 2020-02-20 15:56:31 UTC
Ok, it doesnt...

Well, heres the direct link. Activity 1: https://ibb.co/7XqnXw7

And this is the Activity 2: https://ibb.co/pLSDT32
Comment 10 Recesvintvs 2020-02-20 16:01:24 UTC
And finally, this is the Default activity, whit the Default layout, after sharing it and restarting the Plasma session: https://ibb.co/2ZwPsc8

As you can see, none of the layouts show the shared dock, not even the original layout where it was added initially.
I can readd the dock creating it again, from scratch, but then it "survives" only in the layout active when I recreate it; it's not shared to the other layouts even it the layout configurator says so.
Comment 11 Recesvintvs 2020-02-20 16:04:48 UTC
I was revising the attachments and see that the first one isn't rendered as image but text. Meybe because it's a PNG file. I'm attaching it again as JPG right below.
Comment 12 Recesvintvs 2020-02-20 16:05:19 UTC
Created attachment 126217 [details]
Layout configurator
Comment 13 Michail Vourlakos 2020-02-20 16:09:33 UTC
Ok, now please send the three layout files for L1, L2, Por...
Comment 14 Recesvintvs 2020-02-20 17:19:24 UTC
Sorry for the ignorance, but what are the layout files?
Comment 15 Recesvintvs 2020-02-20 17:20:52 UTC
Oh, ok, the .latte files inside .config/latte. Sorry, below they are attached.
Comment 16 Recesvintvs 2020-02-20 17:21:23 UTC
Created attachment 126220 [details]
L1 layout
Comment 17 Recesvintvs 2020-02-20 17:21:37 UTC
Created attachment 126221 [details]
L2 layout
Comment 18 Recesvintvs 2020-02-20 17:22:26 UTC
Created attachment 126222 [details]
Default layout (sorry, I forgot to rename it to english)
Comment 19 Michail Vourlakos 2020-02-21 16:24:21 UTC
Unfortunately in my system your three layouts configured in Multiple mode and Sharing the Default to L1 and L2 WORK JUST FINE at all cases, both for Latte v0.9.8.1 and master version. So something else is different in your computer but I can not think what yet.
Comment 20 Recesvintvs 2020-02-21 18:59:58 UTC
(In reply to Michail Vourlakos from comment #19)
> Unfortunately in my system your three layouts configured in Multiple mode
> and Sharing the Default to L1 and L2 WORK JUST FINE at all cases, both for
> Latte v0.9.8.1 and master version. So something else is different in your
> computer but I can not think what yet.

Well, I can't figure it either; besides this issue, everything seems to work well in my installation. In any case I guess I can use a Plasma panel for the common widgets and then use some Latte instancies for the specific widgets I want only for each activity in particular.

Thanks for your time anyway. :)
Comment 21 Recesvintvs 2020-02-21 23:28:10 UTC
Hi, I wanted to add something just in case it could shed some light or give you any clue.

I've been playing a bit more before giving up, and I've noted something that had already seen but didnt pay much attention because I thought that it should be only a visual glitch, but no: When I share a layout and apply the change, the dock pertaining to that layout shows darker borders; well, better said, not the dock alone but the dock and any icon on it. It turns out that when I share a layout the dock is placed twice in the same layout where the dock is originally, not in the "destination" layout, the layout I want to share with; so what I get is one dock over the other, and if I move the cursor over them, the icons move and grow son one can see perfectly hoy there's a dock under the other.

This only pesists during the session. When I restart the Plasma session or kill Latte (I dont like to close programs this way, but seems that "kquitapp5 latte-dock" does not work) and restart it, the duplicate dock disapears and the layout becomes empty, as I told at the beginnig of this bug report.

Better, watch the following screenshot.
Comment 22 Recesvintvs 2020-02-21 23:29:01 UTC
Created attachment 126281 [details]
Duplicate layout
Comment 23 Michail Vourlakos 2020-02-22 07:47:08 UTC
Try also the following:

1. Close Latte
2. Start Latte from command line with: "latte-dock -d"
3. Send the output from [2] after the issues have appeared

Send also the output from:
ls -al ~/.config/lattedock*
Comment 24 Recesvintvs 2020-02-22 21:20:08 UTC
Launching Latte from Konsole throwed a lot of output and very rapidly, so I lost the track to the point where the issues apeared for the first time. Besides I think that my Konsole window hasn't retained all the output lines, so I'm attaching all the content of Konsole's window that I've been able to copy and paste. I hope it's enough, in case contrary, please tell me how can I save more content than the one that Konsole keeps in its buffer. I'm no expert of the command line at all, I'm afraid.

Besides, I have not any file called "lattedock". Here is the permissions info of all the files and folders in my .config directory that contain "latte". I hope it serves:

ls -la ~/.config | grep latte
drwxr-xr-x 1 pruebas pruebas   274 feb 22 21:53 latte
-rw------- 1 pruebas pruebas  1203 feb 22 21:53 lattedock.copy1.bak
-rw------- 1 pruebas pruebas  1203 feb 22 21:53 lattedock.copy2.bak
-rw-r--r-- 1 pruebas pruebas  1444 feb 22 21:53 lattedock.layout.bak
-rw------- 1 pruebas pruebas   381 feb 22 21:53 lattedockrc
Comment 25 Recesvintvs 2020-02-22 21:31:10 UTC
Created attachment 126310 [details]
Output for "latte-dock -d"

I'll write a brief description:

- Latte launchedfrom Konsole with "latte-dock -d"
- I created one new layout, Latte crashed and restarted automatically.
- Then I reopened the config dialog and asigned that layout to one activity, applied and closed (I believe).
- I switched to the 2nd activity to place the dock at the left border for clear distinction.
- Switched back to the default activity, entered the configuration window again and shared the default layout with the 2nd activity so the default layout, with its dock in the inferior central part of the screen ir common to both activities. Clicked the Apply button.

And then the issue appeared and I saw how the dock for this activity was duplicated and in the 2nd activity only was the original panel I had put to the left, but no dock at the botton border from the default layout.
I stopped doing anything related to Latte and copypasted the output.
Comment 26 Recesvintvs 2020-02-22 21:34:57 UTC
I forgot to say that all those steps were done starting anew, in a deleted user data "virgin" session. No traces of former intents or configurations.
Comment 27 Michail Vourlakos 2020-02-22 22:17:11 UTC
Since which Latte version you are using Latte in your system?
Comment 28 Michail Vourlakos 2020-02-22 22:24:14 UTC
and please send also your .config/lattedockrc file
Comment 29 Michail Vourlakos 2020-02-23 06:41:09 UTC
This bug is pretty serious, especially the part of not saving user data on each relogin.
Comment 30 Michail Vourlakos 2020-02-23 08:30:08 UTC
Git commit ad58783ae558686e7f47570a6d1b7f6d2f09c93e by Michail Vourlakos.
Committed on 23/02/2020 at 08:29.
Pushed by mvourlakos into branch 'master'.

dont load orphaned-central layout when shared

--the orphaned-central layout should NOT be loaded
when it has already been loaded as SHARED layout for
other CENTRAL layouts in a MULTIPLE LAYOUTS environment

M  +15   -13   app/layouts/synchronizer.cpp

Comment 31 Michail Vourlakos 2020-02-23 08:30:08 UTC
Git commit af712c6ac4f557ed94aa2965d85356adc517dc0c by Michail Vourlakos.
Committed on 23/02/2020 at 08:29.
Pushed by mvourlakos into branch 'master'.

IMPORTANT:fix first run initialization

--dont mess the old migrating process during startup
with a new user that uses Latte for first time. This
is a very important step during startup otherwise the
entire Latte experiences instability.

M  +1    -1    app/layouts/importer.cpp
M  +17   -9    app/layouts/manager.cpp
M  +1    -0    app/settings/universalsettings.cpp

Comment 32 Michail Vourlakos 2020-02-23 08:31:15 UTC
Git commit e5111b4716814e8b3c0e94ad3512fbb587464000 by Michail Vourlakos.
Committed on 23/02/2020 at 08:30.
Pushed by mvourlakos into branch 'v0.9'.

IMPORTANT:fix first run initialization

--dont mess the old migrating process during startup
with a new user that uses Latte for first time. This
is a very important step during startup otherwise the
entire Latte experiences instability.

M  +1    -1    app/layouts/importer.cpp
M  +17   -9    app/layouts/manager.cpp
M  +1    -0    app/settings/universalsettings.cpp

Comment 33 Michail Vourlakos 2020-02-23 08:31:15 UTC
Git commit 3e3f39cfcd78789ab9b46f485ebb97c8599ebb99 by Michail Vourlakos.
Committed on 23/02/2020 at 08:30.
Pushed by mvourlakos into branch 'v0.9'.

dont load orphaned-central layout when shared

--the orphaned-central layout should NOT be loaded
when it has already been loaded as SHARED layout for
other CENTRAL layouts in a MULTIPLE LAYOUTS environment

M  +15   -13   app/layouts/synchronizer.cpp

Comment 34 Michail Vourlakos 2020-02-23 08:33:21 UTC
thank you very much for this report... I found two MAJOR issues based on that report that should be fixable with Latte 0.9.9. I believe that now you will also be just fine with your Shared Layout issues...
Comment 35 Recesvintvs 2020-02-23 18:18:36 UTC
(In reply to Michail Vourlakos from comment #27)
> Since which Latte version you are using Latte in your system?

I dont remember exactly. Since 0.8.somethjing, I believe; like a year ago or something like that. I hadn't tried to share layouts until some days ago, thought.
Comment 36 Recesvintvs 2020-02-23 18:19:34 UTC
(In reply to Michail Vourlakos from comment #28)
> and please send also your .config/lattedockrc file

Right after this it is.
Comment 37 Recesvintvs 2020-02-23 18:20:03 UTC
Created attachment 126350 [details]
Comment 38 Recesvintvs 2020-02-23 18:26:12 UTC
(In reply to Michail Vourlakos from comment #34)
> thank you very much for this report... I found two MAJOR issues based on
> that report that should be fixable with Latte 0.9.9. I believe that now you
> will also be just fine with your Shared Layout issues...

You are very wellcome. It's the least thing I can do in return for you generous dedication and sharing this great piece of software with all of us, and asking for nothing in return. :)

> I believe that now you will also be just fine with your Shared Layout issues...

I'm going to try. Thanks
Comment 39 Recesvintvs 2020-02-23 19:45:26 UTC
Ok. so I've installed the version available at https://phabricator.kde.org/source/latte-dock/. I think that is the latest. Unfortunately, still doesn't work. :-/

I follow the usual steps: start with a virgin Latte configuration, launch Latte, add a new layout, assign it to a different activity, swich to multuple layouts mode, and share the default layout with both the default activity and the newly created activity. Now Latte doesnt crash in any moment of the process, the changes are applied inmediately after clicking the apply button without needing to restart Latte, and the docks aren't duplicated anymore.
But I still don't have one particular dock for the new layuot/activity (called L1) and another dock common to both default and L1 activity/layout. Instead, I have an empty defult activity and the other activity whit the two docks.

Please look the screenshots below.
Comment 40 Recesvintvs 2020-02-23 19:47:26 UTC
Created attachment 126352 [details]
Default activity (empty)
Comment 41 Recesvintvs 2020-02-23 19:50:47 UTC
Created attachment 126353 [details]
User created activity (correctly using both layouts)
Comment 42 Recesvintvs 2020-02-23 20:00:25 UTC
The docks are correctly assigned to the different layouts, as you can see in more screenshots following this comment. The inferior dock belongs to the default layout, so Latte's configurator only allows to move it to the layout L1 (and the other default layouts, Plasma and Unity); and the lateral dock belongs to the layout L1, so I can only move it  to the default layout ("Mi distribución" in my localized installation).
Comment 43 Recesvintvs 2020-02-23 20:01:59 UTC
Created attachment 126355 [details]
Common dock's "ownership"
Comment 44 Recesvintvs 2020-02-23 20:02:38 UTC
Created attachment 126356 [details]
2nd activity/layout's "ownership"
Comment 45 Recesvintvs 2020-02-23 20:20:17 UTC
Obviously these screenshots have been taken in the Activity 2. The default one doesn't show anything besides the desktop wallpaper.
Also, as you see, I've cutted the screenshots a bit because. Using a default Plasma session with no changes at all but the strictly necessaries in 4K screen the fonts and windows are too small. I think cutting the useles areas in the screenshots will make then be sown bigger.

BTW, I've noted that the name of the default layout has changed from "Por omisión" ("By default") to "Mi distribución" ("My distribution"). I suppose that is only a cosmetic thing, but just in case it could indicate something, I better comment it to you.

And to end with today's report, I don't know if this could indicate something, but the default layout is not showed among the available layouts; only the one that I created for this test, L1 ("Actual" in spanish doesnt mean "actual/real" in english but "in action/use right now", and is a text that Latte creates, not me. I hope this doesn't lead to confusion), Plasma and Unity layouts. The default one "Mi distribución", one seems to be ignores here. I comment it in case it were indicative of something.

Hereunder are the last screenshots for today, xD.
Comment 46 Recesvintvs 2020-02-23 20:21:17 UTC
Created attachment 126357 [details]
Both docks showing the available layouts
Comment 47 Recesvintvs 2020-02-23 20:34:29 UTC
Oh, WTF! I've been too impatient...
I've just seen  that the version I've installed from Phabricator isnt 0.9.9 but 0.9.85.
I can't delete my latest posts, sorry. Don't take them into account since they don't apply to the 0.9.9 version you mentioned. Sorry for the mess 😅
Comment 48 Michail Vourlakos 2020-02-23 20:40:14 UTC
Did you build master version by yourself?
Comment 49 Michail Vourlakos 2020-02-23 20:44:29 UTC
Based on how you configured your layouts it works just fine based on your screenshots...

Explain me how your layouts you want to work and please give me English names for the layouts to explain you how to set them.
Comment 50 Michail Vourlakos 2020-02-23 20:57:26 UTC
More precisely explain me for each layout at which Activities you want it to be shown...
Comment 51 Recesvintvs 2020-02-23 22:33:50 UTC
> Did you build master version by yourself?

I cloned the repository on my home directory and run the install.sh script. Previously I edited its final line "sudo make install" to delete "sudo" because I don't use sudo, but I did nothing else; then I run it from a root session and after the installation was finished, launched Latte as a normal user.

> Based on how you configured your layouts it works just fine based on your
> screenshots...

I know that they have been many screenshots and too much information sometimes is worse than few information, but please note that the default layout isn't being applied to one of the activities when it should be working on both. One is ok but the other is empty.

> Explain me how your layouts you want to work and please give me English names
> for the layouts to explain you how to set them.

I want that the two activities, the default one and the one I made manually, have a dock in the lower border of the screen, the same dock in common, so if I add a widget when I am in one activity, said widget will be present too in the dock when I switch to the other activity; not much different than what you showed here:

Then I want that the second activity, the one manually created by me, has that same dock and, also, another dock only for this second activity to place there launchers for programs that I just want to use in said activity. That's why I created a new layout and called it L1 and assigned it to the activity I created on purpose, I called it A1 or Ac1, I don't remember now.
So, the default activity should use the default Latte layout with a single dock at the middle inferior part of the screen, and the 2nd activity should use this default layout because I've shared it, and also its own layout, called L1, with an exclusive panel at the left side of the screen.
The 2nd activity is behaving fine, as I want, as shown in the screenshot:

The problem is in the default activity: it is empty when it should have the dock:

The configuration window shows that its layout ("Mi distribución") is shared, but is only being applied to one activity only.

The names are set by Latte. Is using my locale configuration and almost every text it shows is in spanish, I'm not changing anything of that. Latte itself has "chosen" to name the default layout as "Mi distribución", not me.
In any case, you can call the default layout just "Default Layout" or "DL", or (lets put some beauty in all this technical and prosaic stuff) "Athina", ;D, whatever. I don't mind, I just want to have a working shared dock 😩; and the layout I added manually, if dont like L1, call it "Custom Layout", "CL", or "Santorini". As you prefer, I dont have any preference if you think it can help.
Comment 52 Recesvintvs 2020-02-23 22:40:48 UTC
(In reply to Michail Vourlakos from comment #50)
> More precisely explain me for each layout at which Activities you want it to
> be shown...

Damn, I didn't see this message. Easy:

- Default activity: Default layout and only it, whatever Latte wants to call it, be it "Mi distribución", "Por omisión" or "Smoking kills"

- Second activity: Default layout AND specific layout made by me. I had named it L1 but I dont mind if it has to be named whatever you want.
Comment 53 Michail Vourlakos 2020-02-23 23:01:33 UTC
Ok You can do the following:

1. L1 to Activity2
2. Add a new layout and name it, Clean
4. Share Default layout to L1 AND Clean
5. Click Apply
6. Select Clean layout and click Switch
7. Remove from Clean layout the dock that you do not need in order for Clean layout to NOT HAVE ANY DOCKS AT ALL in the end. Be careful if a dock from a Normal layout occupies the same edge with a dock from Shared layout then the dock from Shared layout is shown. Be careful to not delete by mistake the dock of Default and Shared layout instead of the Clean Layout.
Comment 54 Recesvintvs 2020-02-23 23:06:10 UTC
Ok, thanks, Michail. I'll try tomorrow. It's a bit late now.
I'll report back 👍
Comment 55 Recesvintvs 2020-02-25 21:46:49 UTC
Hi again. I hadnt time yesterday. Excuse for the delay.

Since I have the impression that my explanations werent as clear as I hoped, I have made a screencast of the process. I hope it helps.
It covers since the first login on a fresh session ("rm -r .* /home/pruebas/" run before) until  the Latte's configuration process and failure, so you can see every thing I have done and every configuration I have changed, even how I created the 2nd activity and made them look distinct, which arent related at all with Latte, but I want to ilustrate all.
I've reduced the resolution to 1600x900 so it dont weigh too much and besides things don't look too tiny; also I swiched the language of Latte to US so you don't get confused with names. Everything is recorded so you dont miss a single change I could have done.
Comment 56 Recesvintvs 2020-02-25 22:02:16 UTC
BKO doent permit more than 4.000 KB. I have had to look for some sharing platform that don't require registration. I hope this one works well. The file expires in one month, I supose it's enough.

Comment 57 Recesvintvs 2020-02-25 22:09:05 UTC
And then I made another screencast for your solution. It's not really a solution but a workaround: using two layouts to delete the native dock of one and use the shared dock of the other so we can get a working common dock for both activities. But works! 💃 Although it's not very intuitive nor something that a non informed user is probably going to discover by him/herself.
Nevertheless there have been some glitches in the process that maybe indicative of something behind the hood that isn't working very well and perhaps you might want to consider. For example, a frecuent issue is relatted with Apply button, that sometimes seems to have applied a change but actually is has not.

Well, here's the video. I hope it's useful for you: 
Comment 58 Michail Vourlakos 2020-02-26 06:59:18 UTC
If there is an easier way to present the user the underlying technology and solutions for that, I can accept patches...

Shared Layouts are shared to other layouts, and you could have a system with more than one shared layout for different activities... 

For other bugs you mention you need to open new bug reports and steps to reproduce.