I opened this issue to start some discussion about adding external syncronization options to the notes widget. I think about adding support for OneNote or OwnCloud notes. If I got positive feedback I might came up with an OneNote implementation. I know that it is just a sticky note widget, but I think it would be an awesome feature to sync sticky notes between different devices.
Seems sane to me. Would be a nice feature. There are times in my life when I had more than one computer when I would have totally used this. I still might if there was adequate smartphone support for any of the sync backends.
Many thanks for your comment Nate! If I will ever get through this one I will need to patch the Sailfish OS Notes app to have the similar feature.
I would love something like this! I am thinking not all notes need to be synced, more like a choise on each note. I assume cloud syncing with accounts and everything is a bit complicated, so sync with a file could be a good first step. Sync files with nextcloud, syncthing or similar is quite common. So something like - sync this note with a file [browse], and it will detect changes on the file and update it when editing. And if the file and note, both has content, ask which one to use.