SUMMARY In the treeview of the albums a single click on an album with subtree opens this tree. In my case this is often not not needed (contains often only removed or additional pictures). Is it possible to change this behavior more like Windows Explorer or Apple Finder? A single click does not open the subtree. A double click or a click on the "+" (in case of digiKam the triangle) opens the subtree. STEPS TO REPRODUCE / EXPECTED RESULT 1. A single click on an album does not open the subtree and only shows the pictures in that album. (new behavior) 2. A double click opens the subtree if it was closed or closes the subtree if it was open (this behavior exists already) 3. A click on the triangle opens and closes the subtree. (no change in this behavior) To avoid confusion to other users (which are used to the current behavior) this behavior should be configurable.
You will laugh, this behavior is exactly what the users wanted. We even had bug reports when switching to 5.x.x when it stopped working. I don't want to miss it either. Maik
Ah, oh, sorry. I was looking for a bug report about that and didn't find it. So it looks like it's not that easy to implement/fix.
Well, there is already a switch for this in the source code. We just don't have a configuration option in the settings. Maik
That's good to hear. It never hurts to have options.
Just wanted to know, if the new configuration option is in the code meanwhile. Hope this still gets added for 7.0.0 ... Thanks Holger
No, this option has not yet made it into the GUI. Maik
Sorry for asking again. But when can we expect to see this in a public digikam release?
Git commit 1527182f08de19b2a1add078c23db279402efec2 by Maik Qualmann. Committed on 27/09/2020 at 07:56. Pushed by mqualmann into branch 'master'. add option to configure tree item expand behavior on click FIXED-IN: 7.2.0 M +1 -1 NEWS M +1 -1 core/app/views/sidebar/albumfolderviewsidebarwidget.cpp M +2 -1 core/app/views/sidebar/peoplesidebarwidget.cpp M +2 -1 core/app/views/sidebar/tagviewsidebarwidget.cpp M +2 -0 core/libs/settings/applicationsettings.cpp M +3 -0 core/libs/settings/applicationsettings.h M +10 -0 core/libs/settings/applicationsettings_miscs.cpp M +3 -0 core/libs/settings/applicationsettings_p.cpp M +3 -0 core/libs/settings/applicationsettings_p.h M +6 -0 core/utilities/setup/setupmisc.cpp
Works perfect. Thanks Maik!